
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#11251 closed defect (cantfix)

TicketImportPlugin - Attribute error: hdf

Reported by: pierre.reimann@… Owned by: François Granade
Priority: normal Component: TicketImportPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Jun Omae Trac Release:

Description (last modified by Jun Omae)

Dear sir or madam,

I have installed the TicketImportPlugin, but now I get this errorcode when I click on the tab called "Import".

I don't know how or where I can find the Files or what the error exactly is. Do you maybe have some tips or a solution for me?

File "build/bdist.win32/egg/trac/web/", Line 497, in _dispatch_request 
492     try: 
493         if not env and env_error: 
494             raise HTTPInternalError(env_error) 
495         try: 
496             dispatcher = RequestDispatcher(env) 
497             dispatcher.dispatch(req) 
498         except RequestDone: 
499             pass 
500         resp = req._response or [] 
501     except HTTPException, e: 
502         _send_user_error(req, env, e) 

Local Variables:
Name Value 
dispatcher <trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher object at 0x04FDB130> 
e AttributeError('hdf',) 
env <trac.env.Environment object at 0x04A7CE70> 
env_error None 
req <RequestWithSession "GET '/importer'"> 
resp [] 

File "build/bdist.win32/egg/trac/web/", Line 214, in dispatch 
209       msg = _('Do you have cookies enabled?') 
210       raise HTTPBadRequest(_('Missing or invalid form token.' 
211       ' %(msg)s', msg=msg)) 
213       # Process the request and render the template 
214       resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req) 
215       if resp: 
216       if len(resp) == 2: # old Clearsilver template and HDF data 
217       self.log.error("Clearsilver template are no longer " 
218       "supported (%s)", resp[0]) 
219       raise TracError( 

Local Variables:
Name Value 
chosen_handler <talm_importer.importer.ImportModule object at 0x04FDB1D0> 
chrome < object at 0x04FDB2F0> 
err (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, AttributeError('hdf',), <traceback ... 
handler <talm_importer.importer.ImportModule object at 0x04FDB1D0> 
req <RequestWithSession "GET '/importer'"> 
self <trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher object at 0x04FDB130> 

File "build/bdist.win32/egg/talm_importer/", Line 82, in process_request 
78         else: 
79             req.session['uploadedfile'] = None 
80             req.session['uploadedfilename'] = None 
82             self._add_field_list(req.hdf) 
84             req.hdf['reconciliate_by_owner_also'] = self._reconciliate_by_owner_also() 
86             return 'importer.cs', None 

Local variables:
Name Value
action 'other' 
req <RequestWithSession "GET '/importer'"> 
self <talm_importer.importer.ImportModule object at 0x04FDB1D0> 

File "build/bdist.win32/egg/trac/web/", Line 319, in __getattr__ 

314         callbacks dictionary.""" 
315         if name in self.callbacks: 
316             value = self.callbacks[name](self) 
317             setattr(self, name, value) 
318             return value 
319         raise AttributeError(name) 
321     def __repr__(self): 
322         path_info = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') 
323         return '<%s "%s %r">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.method, 
324                                  path_info) 

Local Variables:

Name Value 
name 'hdf' 
self <RequestWithSession "GET '/importer'"> 

Here are the specifications of the system:

Trac 1.0.1 
Babel 0.9.6 
Genshi 0.6 (without speedups) 
mod_wsgi 3.3 (WSGIProcessGroup WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}) 
pysqlite 2.6.3 
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] 
setuptools 0.6c11 
Subversion 1.7.5 (r1336830) 
jQuery 1.7.2 

If you need more information to be able to help just ask.

Best regards,

Pierre Reimann

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Jun Omae

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: cantfix
Status: newclosed

That is an installation issue. Your ticketimportplugin is too old. If you want Trac 1.0.x, please upgrade the latest ticketimportplugin with

Last edited 12 years ago by Jun Omae (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by anonymous

Thank you very much.

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