
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#11615 closed enhancement (fixed)

Extension point for event providers

Reported by: Peter Suter Owned by: lucid
Priority: normal Component: WeekPlanPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:


This plugin could define a new extension point for event providers.

The existing DB stored notes would then be moved to a separate component, and additional components could be added for different kinds of events:

  • Milestone and ticket events (due dates)
  • External iCalendar feed events
  • ...

These providers should define a "plan prefix" and are used as data sources when that prefix is used. (E.g. [[WeekPlan(plan=milestone:iteration1|ical:myfeed)]])

They should also be informed if the event is moved / edited. (Or !mark events as readonly.)

Attachments (4)

T11615-extension-point.patch (5.5 KB) - added by lucid 11 years ago.
T11615-milestones.patch (2.6 KB) - added by lucid 11 years ago.
T11615-extension-point-2.diff (5.9 KB) - added by lucid 11 years ago.
T11615-milestones-2.patch (2.7 KB) - added by lucid 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

Changed 11 years ago by lucid

Changed 11 years ago by lucid

Attachment: T11615-milestones.patch added

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by lucid

The attached patches:

  • Defines an extension point for event providers.
  • Moves the existing DB events into a provider implementation.
  • Partially implement an additional provider for milestones due and completion dates.
    • Example: [[WeekPlan(plan=milestone:milestone1)]]

Both need some refinement but the basic concept is working.

  • Extension point:
    • Should wait until plugin is stable? (Fix WeekPlanPlugin#KnownLimitations first?)
    • Better concept for which provider handles which events / plans / prefixes and only call responsible provider?
  • Milestones:
    • Either milestone events should be marked as readonly somehow.
    • Or milestone add, update and delete should be implemented somehow.

Changed 11 years ago by lucid

Changed 11 years ago by lucid

Attachment: T11615-milestones-2.patch added

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by lucid

Updated patches (works with event sources, see changeset:14089).

Now only calls responsible providers.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by lucid

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 14175:

WeekPlanPlugin: Define IWeekPlanEventProvider extension point. (fix #11615)
Bump version to 1.1.

Parse as UTC so localtimezone is ignored.
Update drop / resize event arguments.
Only hook up the enter key to submit dialogs of this plugin.
Tweak default colors.

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by pleumann

I managed to include a list of regex-filtered milestone due dates into our week calendar by means of a modified version of the T11615-milestones-2.patch. I see the following possible improvements:

  • Display in the legend could be nicer (currently says "milestone:*") Ok, that was actually a no-brainer. I didn't notice the title element. But the color is wrong. It seems it always uses the first color, not the matching one.
  • As you already said, either the milestones should be r/o somehow (and not be selectable in the plan list) or the changes should be "fed back" into the milestone table. I'd currently be happy with the former.
  • It would be very useful to make the milestone events clickable so they open the corresponding milestone details page. Maybe this can be generalized to each event being able to provide a clickable URL.

I could try to hack something that suits my needs, but wonder if you might already be working on a clean solution to any of these or a general update of the plugin.

Last edited 8 years ago by pleumann (previous) (diff)

comment:5 in reply to:  4 ; Changed 8 years ago by lucid

Replying to pleumann:

  • But the color is wrong. It seems it always uses the first color, not the matching one.

Please create a new ticket with more information (e.g. your modified patch) if this is a defect in WeekPlanPlugin, thanks.

  • As you already said, either the milestones should be r/o somehow (and not be selectable in the plan list) or the changes should be "fed back" into the milestone table. I'd currently be happy with the former.

I can't check at the moment, but wasn't this (read-only events) already implemented? I think you just have to remove the add_event etc. methods, but I might remember this wrong. If it doesn't work well please open a new ticket for that as well, thanks.

  • It would be very useful to make the milestone events clickable so they open the corresponding milestone details page. Maybe this can be generalized to each event being able to provide a clickable URL.

Nice idea. But this is actually also already possible I think: The event's title supports wiki formatting, so just put a milestone:name Trac-link in there in get_events(). Actually that was already there, the milestone:* you mentioned, no? Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding.

I could try to hack something that suits my needs, but wonder if you might already be working on a clean solution to any of these or a general update of the plugin.

There is currently no work in-progress or planned. Please feel free to send create new tickets and attach patches. (Also note that you can put the milestone provider in a separate (single-file) plugin. You don't actually have to patch the WeekPlanPlugin itself. That was the point of this ticket. T11615-milestones-2.patch was just there as a test / demo.)

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 8 years ago by pleumann

Replying to lucid:

Replying to pleumann:

  • But the color is wrong. It seems it always uses the first color, not the matching one.

Please create a new ticket with more information (e.g. your modified patch) if this is a defect in WeekPlanPlugin, thanks.

It's possible that the color doesn't match because in my case the actual name of the milestone differs from "plan" specification (where it's a regex). I'll have another look on Monday. If I cannot solved it I will upload my stuff and create a ticket.

  • As you already said, either the milestones should be r/o somehow (and not be selectable in the plan list) or the changes should be "fed back" into the milestone table. I'd currently be happy with the former.

I can't check at the moment, but wasn't this (read-only events) already implemented? I think you just have to remove the add_event etc. methods, but I might remember this wrong. If it doesn't work well please open a new ticket for that as well, thanks.

Yes, that what I found out, too, by reading the source. Removing the methods did the trick.

  • It would be very useful to make the milestone events clickable so they open the corresponding milestone details page. Maybe this can be generalized to each event being able to provide a clickable URL.

Nice idea. But this is actually also already possible I think: The event's title supports wiki formatting, so just put a milestone:name Trac-link in there in get_events(). Actually that was already there, the milestone:* you mentioned, no? Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Yup, works! Very cool. :)

I could try to hack something that suits my needs, but wonder if you might already be working on a clean solution to any of these or a general update of the plugin.

There is currently no work in-progress or planned. Please feel free to send create new tickets and attach patches. (Also note that you can put the milestone provider in a separate (single-file) plugin. You don't actually have to patch the WeekPlanPlugin itself. That was the point of this ticket. T11615-milestones-2.patch was just there as a test / demo.)

Will do. The single-file solution is actually what I did. I started with the .py file from the patch and modified it as needed.


comment:7 Changed 8 years ago by pleumann

I was able to solve the final bit, too. Had to return the "original" plan name in a place where my code used the "actual" milestone name. Now the colors are right, and I am quite happy with the result. Thanks again & a good weekend!

comment:8 Changed 8 years ago by lucid

Glad it worked for you. Could you attach your version of the file also to this ticket? Maybe it helps anyone else. Have a nice weekend.

comment:9 Changed 8 years ago by pleumann

Sure. Let me do a bit of cleanup next week, then I will attach it to the ticket.

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