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Opened 8 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
#13251 closed defect (cantfix)
OperationalError: database is locked
Reported by: | twproduct | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Component: | SELECT A HACK |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: |
How to Reproduce
While doing a GET operation on /report/6
, Trac issued an internal error.
(please provide additional details here)
Request parameters:
{'id': u'6'}
User agent: #USER_AGENT#
System Information
Trac | 0.12.5
CustomFieldAdmin | 0.2.2
Genshi | 0.6 (without speedups)
Pygments | 1.0
pysqlite | 2.3.2
Python | 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Apr 9 2009, 07:57:21) [GCC 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-14)]
pytz | 2006p
RPC | 1.1.2
setuptools | 0.6c8
SQLite | 3.3.6
Subversion | 1.7.9 (r1462340)
jQuery | #JQUERY#
Enabled Plugins
IniAdmin | 0.2
TracCustomFieldAdmin | 0.2.2
TracNav | 4.0pre7
TracPageToPDF | 0.2
TracSpamFilter | 0.4.7dev
TracTags | 0.6
TracTicketDelete | 2.0
TracXMLRPC | 1.1.2
Python Traceback
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/Python-2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 522, in _dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req) File "/usr/local/Python-2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 266, in dispatch File "/usr/local/Python-2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 117, in save @self.env.with_transaction() File "/usr/local/Python-2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/db/", line 78, in transaction_wrapper ldb.commit() OperationalError: database is locked
To reproduce the issue you can simply navigate to one of the reports available and as soon as you try to access the report it provides the internal error message above whereby the typical menu items appear as blue links on the left hand side - if i select the blue log out link the same internal error message occurs as well.
Attachments (0)
Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by
Priority: | high → normal |
Resolution: | → cantfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using
Not a defect. See trac:wiki:MostFrequentDuplicates#DatabaseIsLocked.