#13610 closed defect (duplicate)
AccountManager doesn't works on Trac-1.4
Reported by: | Owned by: | Ryan J Ollos | |
Priority: | normal | Component: | AccountManagerPlugin |
Severity: | major | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 1.4 |
Trying to install AccountManager on a recent Trac-1.4 gives me these errors:
Trac[loader] ERROR: Skipping "acct_mgr.admin = acct_mgr.admin": ImportError: cannot import name NotifyEmail Trac[loader] ERROR: Skipping "acct_mgr.macros = acct_mgr.macros": ImportError: cannot import name NotifyEmail Trac[loader] ERROR: Skipping "acct_mgr.notification = acct_mgr.notification": ImportError: cannot import name NotifyEmail Trac[loader] ERROR: Skipping "acct_mgr.register = acct_mgr.register": ImportError: cannot import name NotifyEmail Trac[loader] ERROR: Skipping "acct_mgr.web_ui = acct_mgr.web_ui": ImportError: cannot import name NotifyEmail
Attachments (0)
Change History (12)
comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by
Resolution: | → duplicate |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 follow-up: 3 Changed 5 years ago by
Hello Ryan,
When trying to configure 1.4, I already tried to install the last version available, my command was:
easy_install https://trac-hacks.org/svn/accountmanagerplugin/trunk
and looking at the "lib" directory it said 0.6 too, but the errors where the same, I was unable to use it
I cannot test it again because I finally decided to switch back to the version Trac-1.2.5 which finally worked without problems, but that's what I remember from my experience trying to make it working
Is there somebody that was able to make it working on the version 1.4? (seems like 1.3 gave the same errors)
comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by
Replying to anonymous:
and looking at the "lib" directory it said 0.6 too, but the errors where the same, I was unable to use it
is not used after r17492, so your Trac must still be loading the older version of the plugin when you saw those errors.
You can try uninstall/install the plugin using pip
. I've recently updated the documentation:
Is there somebody that was able to make it working on the version 1.4? (seems like 1.3 gave the same errors)
Yes, I did some testing after #13124 and it seemed to be working.
comment:4 follow-ups: 5 6 Changed 5 years ago by
Trac 1.4 + TracAccountManager-0.6.dev0
Installed via:
$ pip install svn+https://trac-hacks.org/svn/accountmanagerplugin/trunk
However, html login was not working so finally chose the .htpasswd method (using wscgi script, and pymysql instead of mysql connector (now deprecated)).
comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by
Replying to tonikasch:
However, html login was not working so finally chose the .htpasswd method (using wscgi script, and pymysql instead of mysql connector (now deprecated)).
Would need to see your [accountmanager]
section to investigate further. Also, please check the logs.
comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by
Using Trac 1.4.1 on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu 18.04 server.. Upgrading TracAcctMgr to trunk (currently 0.6) solved the login problem.
I enabled DEBUG-level logging and was able to see AcctMgr NOT loading because it was trying to find a class NotifyEmail, that does not exist.
It seems the dependency on NotifyEmail has been removed in the current trunk branch - thanks for the solution, let's make it official!
comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by
Trac 1.5.1 + TracAccountManager-0.6.dev0
pip install https://trac-hacks.org/browser/accountmanagerplugin/trunk?format=zip
acct_mgr.admin.* = enabled acct_mgr.api.* = enabled acct_mgr.db.sessionstore = disabled acct_mgr.htfile.htdigeststore = disabled acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = enabled acct_mgr.http.* = disabled acct_mgr.notification.* = disabled acct_mgr.pwhash.* = disabled acct_mgr.register.* = enabled acct_mgr.svnserve.svnservepasswordstore = disabled acct_mgr.web_ui.* = enabled acct_mgr.web_ui.resetpwstore = disabled trac.web.auth.loginmodule = enabled acct_mgr.register.* = disabled
Error happens:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setdefault'
2020-09-09 14:43:30,223 Trac[main] ERROR: [::1] Internal Server Error: <RequestWithSession "GET '/admin/accounts/users'">, referrer 'http://localhost/trac/timefiler/admin/general/plugin' Traceback (most recent call last): File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\trac\web\main.py", line 612, in dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req) File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\trac\web\main.py", line 264, in dispatch metadata.setdefault('iterable', chrome.use_chunked_encoding) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setdefault'
comment:8 follow-up: 9 Changed 4 years ago by
Trac 1.4.2 here + TracAccountManager-0.6.dev0 installed via:
pip install https://trac-hacks.org/browser/accountmanagerplugin/trunk?format=zip
Login link appears on menu, but when I click it I get:
Trac[chrome] ERROR: Genshi template (account_login.html) detected but Genshi is not installed
Is this a legacy template or incomplete dependency?
Rob Hills Waikiki, Western Australia
comment:9 Changed 4 years ago by
Replying to rhills@…:
For the record, this was fixed by installing Genshi (genshi-0.7.5):
pip install genshi
Rob Hills Waikiki, Western Australia
comment:12 Changed 2 years ago by
Still doesn't work out-of-the-box. Requires
pip install TracAccountManager==0.6.dev0
Duplicate of #13124 and fixed in r17492.
Please install 0.6dev from accountmanagerplugin/trunk and give feedback if you can. I'll release 0.6 if we get feedback on those changes, and check there are no other issues with Trac 1.4.