
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#1510 closed task (fixed)

Porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi templates

Reported by: Tatyana Tvardovskaya Owned by: daan
Priority: normal Component: ScrumBurndownPlugin
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: Filipe Correia Trac Release: 0.11


Porting of ScrumBurndownPlugin to Trac 0.11 and Genshi templates are desired.

Here is attached implementation of porting that work with Python 2.5.

Attachments (3)

burndown.html (4.9 KB) - added by Tatyana Tvardovskaya 18 years ago.
Burndown Genshi Template (119.7 KB) - added by Tatyana Tvardovskaya 18 years ago.
Source of Porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi (144.6 KB) - added by Tatyana Tvardovskaya 18 years ago.
Sources and plugin egg of porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi, revision 2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Attachment: burndown.html added

Burndown Genshi Template

Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Source of Porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Severity: normalblocker

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Owner: changed from Sam Bloomquist to Tatyana Tvardovskaya
Status: newassigned

Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Sources and plugin egg of porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi, revision 2

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by Tatyana Tvardovskaya

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

This solution works for me.

My system:

OS: Windows XP; DBMS: SQlite3; Python 2.5, mod_python-3.3.1; Web server: ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.6.0a (includes Apache 2.2.4 +....).

But this solution will not work for earlier Trac versions!!!

As I have no write access to SVN, so someone have to put it there. Good idea would be to have a separate branch or forder for 0.11 version (will save time on merging).

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by Markus Pelkonen

Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened

I still can't see this patch merged to svn, for example the genshi template is missing.

I suggest to keep this ticket open until the patch is really merged to trunk.

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

Cc: Filipe Correia added; anonymous removed

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by daan

Owner: changed from Tatyana Tvardovskaya to daan
Status: reopenednew

comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by daan

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [4736]) Release of version 1.9 of the Trac Scrum burndown plugin. See for more information.

The Scrum burndown plugin is currently compatible and tested with Trac 0.10.5, Trac 0.11.1, Python 2.4 and Python 2.5.

Issues fixed: Fixed #3498 Incompatible with Genshi 0.5 Fixed #1743 No support for 0.11 version on trac Fixed #2330 How to enable ScrumBurndownPlugin in 0.11b1 Fixed #1590 printing to stderr causes svn post-commit hook to crash Fixed #1510 Porting to Trac 0.11 and Genshi templates Fixed #2936 problem installing plugin Fixed #1668 Environment Not Found Fixed #1472 URL Not Found when click Burndown menu Fixed #3017 Trac 0.11 - Burndown Chart does not show tickets with status 'accepted'

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