
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#1564 closed defect (fixed)

Links on doxygen Main Page resulted in call of trac search

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Christian Boos
Priority: normal Component: DoxygenPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


Problem was, that if I clicked for example 'Classes' Link, the plugin searched for a file /path/to/doxygen/classes.html instead of /path/to/doxygen/html/classes.html. The result was that it didn't find the page and rerouted to the search.

I had to apply the following patch (for the 0.10 version).

Note: I did NOT test what happens if the 'html_output' option is not set in 'trac.ini'.

--- 2007-05-23 09:42:35.750206000 +0200
+++  2007-05-23 09:43:07.942571000 +0200
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
                                                    file or self.index])
-                doc = ''
+                doc = self.html_output

         def lookup(file, category='undefined'):
             """Build (full path, relative link) and check if path exists."""

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Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Matthijs Kooijman

I've been experiencing the same problem and can confirm that the proposed fix works for me as well.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Owner: changed from Radek Bartoň to Christian Boos

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by John C. Femiani

Same problem.

I dont know python, so just used

path = \path\to\doxygen\output\html
html_output = ./

in trac.ini

Any chance of resolving this issue and committing the changes you folks have made?

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Owner: changed from Christian Boos to Radek Bartoň
Status: newassigned

OK, I'll test patch tomorrow and if it will be working I'll commit it...

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Done with r2651.

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by gerard.breiner@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened


I've got the version tracdoxygen 0.10 with the hack r2651 but I have a similar problem with my links.

My links seems to be correct (ie "path/doxygen/html/index.html when I focus the link "Main Page") but when I click on this link I get a search page for "index.html".

My context doxygen in trac.ini is

[doxygen] path = /home/trac/nulltimate/doxygen index = index.html wiki_index = DoxyGen default_documentation = doxygen #html_output = html ext = 'py'

Would you have an idea please ?

Thanks in advance


comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Owner: changed from Radek Bartoň to Christian Boos
Status: reopenednew

Cboos should be more competent to answer now...

comment:8 in reply to:  3 Changed 15 years ago by Lucas Rangit MAGASWERAN

Replying to

Same problem.

I dont know python, so just used

path = \path\to\doxygen\output\html
html_output = ./

in trac.ini

Any chance of resolving this issue and committing the changes you folks have made?

That fixed it for me as well. Using TracDoxygen- and the following trac.ini configuration I get similar behavior until I use the configuration described by John.

path = /var/local/doxygen
html_output = html
default_documentation = project

comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by Lucas Rangit MAGASWERAN

And I'm using Trac 0.11.1

comment:10 in reply to:  3 Changed 13 years ago by anonymous

Trac Release: 0.100.12

Replying to

Same problem.

I dont know python, so just used

path = \path\to\doxygen\output\html
html_output = ./

in trac.ini

Any chance of resolving this issue and committing the changes you folks have made?

Thanks man! The search feature was not working for me. Basically, I was not able to access any of the files inside folders. This fixed it as well. Thanks a ton!

comment:11 Changed 9 years ago by Committo-Ergo-Sum

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 15358:

DoxygenPlugin: new implementation of IRequestHandler methods. In particular, the "path" parameter in the query-string is droped. This fixes #772 #951 #962 #1564 and #2702 who complain about the security vulnerability it may contain, and other wrong path generations.

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