
Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#4805 new defect

[Patch] ClientsPlugin not working with Postgres 8.3 (possibly other versions) as trac backend

Reported by: scott.mead@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: ClientsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: clientsplugin postgres
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


The clientsplugin is emitting some SQL that is bad when it comes to postgresql 8.3 (haven't tried with lower versions, it may be the same). I have modified the and files to try and make this work. The 'broken' behavior is as follows:

  • Cannot upgrade

During inital schema creation, a rollback is being issue when trying to populate the 'client_events' table. This is because surrounding a string with a " (double quote) in postgres is just asking for a column. The solution was to change the " to ' (double quotes to single quotes).

API.PY Line 89-101

  • Next, the problem is that during client 'creation' (via webadmin) there was an error being thrown: "" Invalid input syntax for INTEGER

After tracing, I found that the 'self.default_rate' and 'self.currency' variables where being defaulting to ' ' (empty string) if not found. I changed this to default to 0.
MODEL.PY Line 37-38

  • The last problem was on updating the client, if you erased the '0' in the billrate box, and submitted, you would get the same error as before. I just added to checks (one for default_rate and one for currency) right before the execution of the UPDATE statement.
    MODEL.PY Line 95

This is working on my setup now, but there are a couple of things to note:

  • It was a new setup with no existing tickets
  • PostgreSQL 8.3.6
  • Trac being run through apache with ldap based authentication

If you have questions or want more info, please feel free to contact me.

Attachments (3) (8.7 KB) - added by scott.mead@… 16 years ago.
Updated to support postgres 8.3 (8.7 KB) - added by scott.mead@… 16 years ago.
Updated to support postgres 8.3 (4.8 KB) - added by scott.mead@… 16 years ago.
Updated to support postgres 8.3

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

Changed 16 years ago by scott.mead@…

Attachment: added

Updated to support postgres 8.3

Changed 16 years ago by scott.mead@…

Attachment: added

Updated to support postgres 8.3

Changed 16 years ago by scott.mead@…

Attachment: added

Updated to support postgres 8.3

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by scott.mead@…

The is an exact copy of I accidentally uploaded twice, sorry for the confusion.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Colin Guthrie

(In [6473]) Hopefully fix some postgres issues.

Closes #5652, Refs #4805

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Colin Guthrie

(In [6474]) Partially revert r6473 (the part was not intended here).

Refs #5652 and #4805

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by Colin Guthrie

Status: newassigned


Sorry for the long delay.

I applied fixes to the SQL (slightly different approach to yours as I hate escaping things if I can avoid it!)

I've not applied your changes as a 0 rate is not the same as "no rate" A 0 rate implies the cost to the client is 0 but "no rate" can mean that a rate is simply not defined.

I'd like to keep this separate as I don't want tickets to be created for a given client with 0's in the rate if possible.

I've made a somewhat futile attempt to pass in a null or similar to PG to see if that works. If you can test that would be great.

In the future if you can supply svn diff output rather than full files that would be much preferred as makes my life a lot easier :)


comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by anonymous

Summary: ClientsPlugin not working with Postgres 8.3 (possibly other versions) as trac backend[Patch] ClientsPlugin not working with Postgres 8.3 (possibly other versions) as trac backend

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Colin Guthrie deleted
Status: assignednew

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