
Opened 15 years ago

#7661 new enhancement

The "Closed" data points aren't fine-grained enough; results are misleading

Reported by: seanerussell@… Owned by: mrjbq7
Priority: normal Component: TracStatsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


The granularity on the "closed" data points seems to be equal to res_days... which is fine for all of the data points except the last one. This leads to misleading results in the graph.

For example, if there are 5 open tickets on Jan 1 as of 1:00am, and 2 tickets are closed at 2:00am, then the graph will report that there are 5 open tickets for the rest of the day. The end result is that those data points are not current with the state of the database.

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