
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#860 closed enhancement (fixed)

Cause estimated hours to be used as weighting for Roadmap milestones

Reported by: beardens@… Owned by: Russ Tyndall
Priority: normal Component: TimingAndEstimationPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.9


With default milestone tracking behavior, if you have, say 10 tasks assigned to a milestone, then when 5 of those tasks are closed, Trac reports that you are "50% done".

Since this plugin now allows tasks to have weights, i.e. their estimated duration in hours, it would be nice to have the progress bars of milestones show the fraction of estimated hours completed, rather than the fraction of tasks done--counting all tasks as equal weight.

Is that something this plugin could accomplish?

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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by…

Agreed. This would be very helpful.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Russ Tyndall

This would be great. This plugin currently does not interact with the milestones/roadmaps, but probably could fairly easily.

Unfortunately, I am unable to develop new features without a bit of financial compensation. As I wrote this plugin for us to use at work, anything that my boss does not deem to be critical or worthwhile (other than bugs), I have to charge something for. It would only need to be smallish a donation, but thats the way my boss wants to run it.

On the other hand I think this is a good idea, though perhaps instead of replacing the current graphs, add new ones beneath them. This page contains some information about how to do this, Patches are very much appreciated. Maybe in the future I can convince my boss to allow me to develop a few more of these tickets (this one and the svn commit hooks are most interesting to me).

Thanks, Russ

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

Replying to bobbysmith007:

Unfortunately, I am unable to develop new features without a bit of financial compensation. As I wrote this plugin for us to use at work, anything that my boss does not deem to be critical or worthwhile (other than bugs), I have to charge something for. It would only need to be smallish a donation, but thats the way my boss wants to run it.

Sure thing. Contact me offline at the e-mail address in my comments and we can discuss further.

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by Russ Tyndall

#1653 - Is a ticket to wrap up all of the Trac .11 features also see #901 which is for the same thing

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by Russ Tyndall

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

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