
Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#9854 new enhancement

Download the images and fonts locally, instead of using the web browser

Reported by: ajo Owned by:
Priority: high Component: TracWikiPrintPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


I've changed some code in the in order to enable the local access to the images, fonts and other ressources instead of downloading them via webserver. This can be usefull if you are using IIS on Windows, or you have SSON authentication enabled...

It's a draft, I don't have the time to submit it to SVN, but I hope, someone will take care of it :)


    def getFileName(self, name, relative=''):
            self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => Orignal name: %s' % name)     
            if name.startswith('http://') or name.startswith('https://'):
                self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => Resolving URL: %s' % name)
                url = urlparse.urljoin(relative, name)
                rawpost = url.find('/raw-attachment/')
                if rawpost > -1:
                   if self.env.config.get('wikiprint', 'raw_attachment_path'):
                      raw_attachment_path = self.env.config.get('wikiprint', 'raw_attachment_path')
                      self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => raw_attachment_path will be applied')
                      name = url[rawpost+16:]
                      self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => Stripped name: %s' % name)
                      name1=os.path.join(raw_attachment_path, name)
                      self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => Changed name: %s' % name1)
                      if inj_control == 0:
                         return name1
                         self.env.log.error('WikiPrint.linkLoader => Injection found!' % name1)
                         return ''
                self.env.log.debug('WikiPrint.linkLoader => urljoined URL: %s' % url)
            elif self.allow_local:
                self.env.log.debug("WikiPrint.linkLoader => Resolve local filesystem %s", name)
                return name
                #Relative path
                if self.env.config.get('wikiprint', 'relative_path'):
                     self.env.log.debug("WikiPrint.linkLoader => Using path %s ",self.env.config.get('wikiprint', 'relative_path'))
                     url = os.path.join(self.env.config.get('wikiprint', 'relative_path'), name)
                     self.env.log.debug("WikiPrint.linkLoader => Substituing relative path %s to %s", name, url)
                     return url
                     self.env.log.debug("WikiPrint.linkLoader => Relative path %s to %s", name, urlparse.urljoin(self.req.abs_href(), name))
                     url = urlparse.urljoin(self.req.abs_href(), name)
            path = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2]


Add following rows in to [wikiprint] section of trac.ini :

raw_attachment_path = D:\Support\Projects\ABC\attachments\
relative_path = D:\FontStorage\

The raw_attachment_path is the path to wiki and ticket attachments in the trac project directory

relative_path is the path to ressource storage... (like fonts used in css etc..)

Attachments (1) (19.0 KB) - added by ajo 12 years ago.
wikiprint py file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Federico Belli

Tested on Windows 7 python 2.7 TracWikiPrint 1.9.2 modified with the code and it works!

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Could you provide the changes as a patch file?

Changed 12 years ago by ajo

Attachment: added

wikiprint py file

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by ajo

Here are the files. Please keep in mind, that this is just a hotfix and it should be revised/tested prior to submission to SVN.

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by anonymous

And you may check the enhancement #8623 - there is cummulative .PY with both - #9854 and #8623.

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

A patch file, generated using e.g. svn diff > <patchfilename> or git diff > <pathfilename> is preferred. You shouldn't ever have to upload a pyc file. Thanks!

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Álvaro Iradier deleted

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