
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9910 closed defect (invalid)


Reported by: Robert Inder Owned by: Martin Scharrer
Priority: normal Component: DashesSyntaxPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


I've tried to install this following the default instructions for installing a plugin (i.e. python bdist_egg plus copying .egg into "plugins" directory).

But nothing seems to have changed.

Have I done something wrong? What SHOULD I have done?

Is it 0.11 only? Or what?


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comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Martin Scharrer

Status: newassigned

Standard installation instructions for plugins can be found at the trac-hacks main page, which links to Basically you need to install and enable the plugin. I usually install plugins globally using easy_install <plugin checkout dir or repository url> .

You can enable plugins in the components section inside conf/trac.ins:

tracdashessyntax.* = enabled

I didn't add these instructions to every of my plugins because these steps are always the same.

The plugin was written for 0.11 and I never tested it with 0.12. It is clearly marked as 0.11: there is only a 0.11 directory and the wiki page is only tagged with 0.11. However, it might just work fine with 0.12, if the used interface didn't change.

You might also want to enable debug output in the logfile (log_type = file and log_level = debug in the logging section of trac.ini) and then check if the plugin is loaded properly.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 13 years ago by Robert Inder

Replying to martin_s:

You can enable plugins in the components section inside conf/trac.ins:

tracdashessyntax.* = enabled

That was the missing step.

I know I have to enable (most) plugins, but I didn't know what, exactly, to enable. I did look in the source code, to see if I figure it out, but I'm not a python programmer (and, I confess, I missed the pointer to in

I didn't add these instructions to every of my plugins because these steps are always the same.

Well, they're always very similar! Adding Enable as "tracdashessyntax.* = enabled" would have made the difference for me.

The plugin was written for 0.11 and I never tested it with 0.12.

Well, it works with 0.12.

At least, once it is enabled!

Thanks for the prompt response. Oh, and for the neat wee macro that this (former) latex user, at least, greatly appreciates.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

Issue seems to be resolved.

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