
Simplify adding attachments to tickets

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This plugin simplifies the process of adding attachments to new tickets. With this plugin you no longer need to create a ticket before you can attach a file to a ticket. Supports uploading multiple files.

The Image macro is inserted into the ticket description when a file with extension jp[e]g, gif or png is added for upload.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AwesomeAttachmentsPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


4 / 5


1 / 1


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out AwesomeAttachmentsPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Enable the plugin in conf/trac.ini:

awesome.* = enabled

Recent Changes

17539 by rjollos on 2019-10-07 12:44:00
TracAwesomeAttachments 0.4dev: Format JS code
16789 by rjollos on 2017-09-07 23:17:22
TracAwesomeAttachments 0.4: Tag version 0.4
16783 by rjollos on 2017-09-04 22:05:05
TracAwesomeAttachments 0.4dev: Rename plugin for publication to PyPI


Author: dan
Maintainer: none (needsadoption)
Contributors: rjollos

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on May 10, 2022, 5:50:14 AM

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip