
Integrate contacts list in Trac

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This plugin allows you to add contacts to the system. Contacts have a first and last name as well as a phone number and an email address. Out of the box, these contacts are completely unrelated to the rest of Trac, but this plugin is designed to allow other plugins to add associated contacts as needed. Contacts are stored with the following characteristics:

  • Name as consisting of first name and last name
  • Position, within the organisation
  • Phone
  • E-mail

This provides two permissions, one for viewing: CONTACTS_VIEW, and one for adding/editing contacts: CONTACTS_ADMIN.

Note that email addresses are not sanitised.

See also: GuestbookPlugin

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for ContactsPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out ContactsPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


To load a contact, go to /contact?redirect=/your/redirect/handler/url as soon as the user has added or edited a contact. Your redirect handler will be called with the contact_id set in the url. You can then edit this contact.

Recent Changes

16940 by rjollos on 2017-10-31 20:39:38
TracContacts 0.3dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+
16364 by rjollos on 2017-03-22 01:33:04
0.2dev: Fix indentation and conform to PEP8
14733 by rjollos on 2015-06-22 22:47:45
0.2dev: Fixed incorrect quoting of column names. Fixes #11234.

This was a regression in [12247]. Patch by Jun Omae.



Author: cmc
Maintainer: none (needsadoption)

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Apr 9, 2020, 9:23:24 PM