
Extending the concept of a 'version' in Trac

Development status There is on-going work to provide similar features in the Trac core. See trac:#1233 and trac:#11409.


This plugin extends the concept of a version in Trac. While the Trac ticket module has the concept of a version, it is only visible as a name in a drop-down on a ticket and offers no further functionality.

This plugin adds the following features to the concept of version:

  • version description pages
  • a roadmap-like view of versions
  • the ability to assign milestones to versions.

Most features are optional.

Note: This plugin is for Trac 0.12 and later.

Screenshot: version page

The version page shows the name, date, description and any assigned milestones. If milestones are assigned, it shows the overall progress for the version and the progress on each milestone:

Screenshot: version roadmap

The version roadmap looks very similar to the milestone roadmap:

Screenshot: milestones page

Milestones assigned to versions have the version noted alongside the due date:

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for ExtendedVersionPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out ExtendedVersionPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


The easiest way to install the ExtendedVersionPlugin is probably with easy_install:


Alternatively, download the source and run the usual:

python install

After installing the plugin, enable it for the Trac environment in the TracIni file:

extendedversion.* = enabled

This plugin requires some database changes, so upgrade the environment. Trac will prompt you to if you don't.

trac-admin /path/to/trac upgrade


The ExtendedVersionPlugin has several configuration options available in the [extended_version] section of TracIni. The default values are:

# component to use to provide group ticket statistics for versions
version_stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
# component to use to provide group ticket statistics for milestones in version page
milestone_stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
# whether to show milestone description for version pages
show_milestone_description = false

The default configuration adds a Versions item to the main navigation bar. To instead change the Roadmap item to link to the versions page, set the roadmap_navigation to true.

The roadmap_navigation option has been removed in r13314. The equivalent of roadmap_navigation = true can be obtained by setting trac.ticket.roadmap.RoadmapModule = disabled. Prior to r13314, the following option is available:

# whether to replace the roadmap navigation link or add a versions navigation link
roadmap_navigation = false

Recent Changes

17993 by rjollos on 2021-02-14 19:18:35
TracExtendedVersion 1.0dev: Make compatible with 1.3.3+

The resource property was added to the Version class.

Fixes #13948.

17148 by rjollos on 2018-04-24 05:03:18
TracExtendedVersion 1.0dev: Add version column to admin milestone table

The feature was moved from SimpleMultiProjectPlugin (r15419).

Refs #12707.

16610 by rjollos on 2017-05-24 04:00:42
TracExtendedVersion 1.0dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+

The plugin now only supports Trac 1.0+. The package
name has been changed from ExtendedVersionPlugin to
TracExtendedVersion, in preparation for publishing to
PyPI. You may want to explicitly uninstall the old package
if you use pip:

$ pip uninstall ExtendedVersionPlugin
$ pip install TracExtendedVersion

Fixes #13187.



Author: mestudd
Maintainer: Ryan J Ollos
Contributors: dcernea, jun66j5

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Nov 21, 2016, 9:31:40 PM

Attachments (3)

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