Add JQPlot charts to wiki pages
This macro adds jqPlot based charts to Trac wiki pages. jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework and is dual licensed under GPL and MIT.
Line chart
Display dual line plot with title, legend and a date line:
Also note the tooltip at the lower left-hand corner, showing the date, when hovering over the marker in question.
This creates a line chart with one series per ticket type. The x axis is the time the ticket was created, and the y axis is a fudged number for demonstration purposes only (the ticket id times 10). Notice that the SQL query returns the ticket id. This will make each point in the chart clickable: clicking on a point will send you to the corresponding ticket:
{{{ #!JQChart "width": 400, "height": 250, "query": "select type, time, id * 10, id from ticket order by time", "options" : { "title": "Creation date of each ticket, by type" }, "series_column": "type" }}}
Gauge chart
Display multiple gauge meters:
The options element is the jqPlot options parameter. See the jqPlot website for more information.
This creates a gauge counting the number of rows returned in report number 10:
{{{ #!JQChart "type": "MeterGauge", "report_id": 10, "options" : { "seriesDefaults": { "rendererOptions": { "label": "# bugs", "intervals": [4, 8, 12] } } } }}}
Ticket status as pie chart
The following creates a pie chart showing the number of tickets for each status. Label and grid are hidden.
{{{ #!JQChart "type": "Pie", "width": 450, "height": 350, "query": "SELECT status, count(status) AS number FROM ticket GROUP BY status", "options": { "title": "Ticket status", "axes": { "xaxis": { "drawMajorGridlines": false, "numberTicks": 0 } }, "grid": { "borderWidth":1.0, "shadow": false }, "seriesDefaults":{ "rendererOptions": { "showDataLabels": true, "sliceMargin": 8, "padding": 35, "dataLabels": "value" } }, "legend": { "show": true, "placement": "inside", "location": "w", "marginTop": "15px" } } }}}
The same chart but using different render options:
{{{ #!JQChart "type": "Pie", "width": 450, "height": 350, "query": "SELECT status, count(status) AS number FROM ticket GROUP BY status", "options": { "title": "Ticket status", "axes": { "xaxis": { "drawMajorGridlines": false, "numberTicks": 0 } }, "grid": { "borderWidth":1.0, "shadow": false }, "seriesColors":["#bae0ba", "#cee", "#f5f5b5", "#C7754C", "#17BDB8"], "seriesDefaults":{ "rendererOptions": { "shadow": false, "showDataLabels": true, "sliceMargin": 0, "padding": 35, "dataLabels": "percent" } }, "legend": { "show": true, "placement": "outside", "location": "s", "marginTop": "15px", "rendererOptions": { "numberRows": 2 } } } }}}
Bugs/Feature Requests
Existing bugs and feature requests for JqChartMacro are here.
If you have any issues, create a new ticket.
defect |
2 / 3 |
enhancement |
0 / 1 |
task |
2 / 2 |
Download the zipped source from here.
You can check out JqChartMacro from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.
General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.
Make sure that jqplotchart is enabled in your trac.ini
[components] jqplotchart.* = enabled
Recent Changes
Attachments (4)
- line.png (52.0 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- gauge.png (19.4 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
ticket_status_pie.png (25.3 KB) - added by 9 years ago.
Ticket status as pie chart
ticket_status_pie2.png (15.3 KB) - added by 9 years ago.
Ticket status as pie chart with different render options
Download all attachments as: .zip