Plugins for Trac 1.6.x
These are plugins and macros which are known to work with Trac 1.6. Plugins for 1.4 or 1.2 may also work on Trac 1.6, so please tag them with 1.6
if they do.
Results (1 - 100 of 101)
- AccountManagerPlugin Manage Trac user accounts
- AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin Advanced Ticket Workflow
- AllAttachmentsMacro List attachments from Trac site
- AsciiMathMacro ASCII-Math: Convert ASCII to MathML
- AutocompleteUsersPlugin Autocomplete user fields (assigned to and CC) on tickets
- BlueFlatTheme A responsive, flat, blue theme using Bootstrap
- BookmarkPlugin Bookmark Trac resources
- BreadCrumbsNavPlugin Recently visited pages as navigational bread crumbs
- CardsPlugin Sorting cards in stacks
- CcSelectorPlugin Improve selection of users to be cc-ed
- ChangeLogMacro List changelog entries from repository
- ChildTicketsPlugin Add pseudo child-tickets and a visual reference to these within a parent ticket
- CollapsiblePlugin Embed foldable structures in wiki pages
- CsvMacro Display CSV data in a table
- CustomFieldAdminPlugin Administer Custom Fields in Trac
- DashesSyntaxPlugin Wiki Syntax for EN and EM Dashes
- DoxygenPlugin Embed Doxygen-generated pages into Trac
- ExcelDownloadPlugin Download query output, reports and tickets as an Excel file
- FieldTooltipPlugin Provide Tooltip Help for ticket fields
- FlatTableMacro Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form
- FoldMacroProcessorMacro Add foldable sections
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- FullBlogPlugin Add a self-contained blog to Trac
- GithubImportScript GitHub issues to Trac conversion script
- HideValsPlugin Hide ticket field values
- HttpAuthPlugin Force HTTP authentication from within Trac
- HudsonTracPlugin Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac
- IncludeMacro Include external resources in a wiki page
- InfoSnippetPlugin Present a box with basic ticket and wiki-page information and copy it to clipboard
IniAdminPlugin Edit all
options via the WebAdminPlugin - JqChartMacro Add JQPlot charts to wiki pages
- LDAPAcctMngrPlugin LDAP Authentication for Account Manager
- LastModifiedMacro Show last modification date of wiki page
- LogViewerPlugin View the trac.log file via the web frontend
- LoomingCloudsPlugin Display a tag cloud with a ticket
- MarkdownMacro Markdown WikiProcessor Macro Implementation
- MentionedTicketsPlugin List all tickets mentioned in a ticket
- MermaidMacro Render mermaid diagrams in wiki pages
- MilestoneQueryMacro Display a list of matching milestones
- MilestoneTemplatePlugin Use templates from the wiki when creating a new milestone
- MultiProjectBacklogPlugin A backlog plugin supporting multiple projects
- MultipleWorkflowPlugin Workflow based on ticket type
- NewsFlashMacro Display a colored box
- OnSiteNotificationsPlugin Display on-site notifications
- OverlayViewPlugin Provides an overlay view to view attachments
- PageTicketsMacro Show tickets mentioned on wiki page
- PeerReviewPlugin Distributed Peer Review of Source Code
- PrivateReportsPlugin Add permissions to restrict access to individual reports
- PrivateTicketsPlugin User specific ticket permissions
- PrivateWikiPlugin Restrict access to sections of the Wiki
- ProjectMenuPlugin Quick navigation menu for a multi-project setup
- RoadmapPlugin Sorts roadmap in descending order and adds a filter input field
- SearchAllPlugin Search in multiple Trac projects
- SectionEditPlugin Edit a single wiki section
- SimpleMultiProjectPlugin Manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance
- SpoilerMacro Add a "Spoiler!" button around textual content
- SubcomponentsPlugin Trac Subcomponents
- SumFieldsPlugin Sums specified fields in custom queries
- SvnAuthzAdminPlugin Authz File Administration
- SvnCliRemotePlugin Subversion connector for remote and local repositories using the svn command line client
- TableSorterPlugin Sort tables by clicking on headings
- TagsPlugin A Tagging System for Trac
- ThemeEnginePlugin Modular styles manager for Trac installations
- TicketCalendarPlugin Ticket calendar as box calendar, list and macro in Trac
- TicketFieldFilterPlugin Filter ticket fields depending on ticket type and user permissions
- TicketImportPlugin Import or update tickets in batch from an Excel or CSV file into Trac
- TicketStencilPlugin Prepopulate the description of a new ticket
- TicketValidatorPlugin Ticket Validator
- TicketsBoardPlugin Whiteboard vision of ongoing tickets
- TocMacro Display Table of Contents
- TracBackLinkPlugin Back link feature in Trac (trac:#611)
- TracBacksPlugin Backlinks for tickets in comment history
- TracDbftsPlugin Provide search feature using database fulltext index
- TracDeveloperPlugin A plugin to aid in the development of Trac plugins
- TracDragDropPlugin Drag-and-Drop attachments in Trac
- TracHtmlNotificationPlugin Send ticket notification with HTML part (trac:#2625)
- TracIniAdminPanelPlugin trac.ini Editor Panel
- TracKeywordsPlugin Add ticket keywords from a configured list
- TracMathJaxPlugin Render mathematical expressions in Trac using MathJax
- TracRelationsPlugin Manage relations between Trac resources like relates to or parent > child in tickets
- TracStatsPlugin Display project statistics on code, wiki and tickets
- TracTicketChangelogPlugin Show ticket relative changelogs
- TracTicketFieldsLayoutPlugin Allow to customize the layout of ticket fields in view and form
- TracTicketReferencePlugin Add support for Trac ticket cross-reference
- TracTweakTheme A collection of themes modifying the Trac default theme
- TracWaveDromPlugin Render Wavedrom drawings within a Trac wiki page
- TracWikiPrintPlugin Make Trac wiki pages printable
- TracWikiPrintPlugin/WikiPrintXhtml2pdf Make Trac wiki pages printable
- TracWorkflowAdminPlugin Web interface for workflow administration of Trac
- TracWysiwygPlugin Trac Wiki WYSIWYG Editor
- TranslatedPagesMacro Show translated versions of wiki page
- UpcomingMilestonesChartMacro Chart of upcoming milestones macro
- VotePlugin Reddit-style voting on Trac resources
- WeekPlanPlugin Multi-week calendar for planning
- WikiAutoCompletePlugin Autocomplete wiki syntax
- WikiCssPlugin Set styles based on the styling of a single wiki page
- WikiExtrasPlugin Wiki Extras for Trac
- WikiGanttChartPlugin Provide simple Gantt chart with an editor in Trac wiki
- WikiTableMacro Display a table in a wiki page
- WikinfoPlugin Display metadata information on wiki page
Last modified 4 years ago
Last modified on May 9, 2021, 5:11:23 PM