
Themes for Trac based on MacOS appearance


This is a theme that emulates the look of (some versions of) MacOS. It requires the ThemeEnginePlugin.

Key features:

  • Dock navigation like in the Mac. Its behavior may be customized using config options.
  • Fixed (collapsible) toolbar at the bottom containing mainnav items.
  • Fixed ctxtnav items at the top.
  • Fixed metanav items at the top.
  • Fixed drop down menu containing mainnav items.
  • Controls the size of nav bars by placing extra nav items inside drop-down menus.
  • Pretty-fication.
  • Mac-like styles, such progress bars.
  • Active request handler highlighted.

The toolbar at the bottom may be hidden. Users just need to click on the rightmost button. After doing so the site will look like this:

Supported environments

The theme has been tested and works using the following combinations of operating system (distribution) and browser. In each case browser-specific issues are displayed. If you have successfully installed the plugin, please add your browsers and configurations to the list so that other users will be aware of your success history.


Version Info Operating system
10.00, Build 4585, System i686, 2.6.24-16-generic, Qt library 3.3.8b, JRE installed Ubuntu 8.04
10.61 (Build 6430) Linux i686, 2.6.32-24-generic Ubuntu 10.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
No tickets found


Version Info Operating system
3.6.6 Ubuntu 8.04
3.6.8 Ubuntu 10.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
No tickets found

Google Chromium Browser

Version Info Operating system (Ubuntu build 32511) Ubuntu 8.04
5.0.375.99 (51029) Ubuntu 10.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7476 Annoying display of docknav captions at load time using Chromium and Safari chromium version_4.x jqDock safari version_5.x Olemis Lang defect new low


Version Info Operating system
5.0.1 (7533.17.8) Windows XP
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7476 Annoying display of docknav captions at load time using Chromium and Safari chromium version_4.x jqDock safari version_5.x Olemis Lang defect new low


Version Info Operating system
2.0.4 Ubuntu 8.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7475 Wrong display of mainbar menus using Galeon, SeaMonkey and Kazekahase galeon version_2.x ctxtnav kazekahase version_0.5.x seamonkey version_1.x Olemis Lang defect new high


Version Info Operating system
3.5.10 (KDE 3.5.10) Ubuntu 8.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7475 Wrong display of mainbar menus using Galeon, SeaMonkey and Kazekahase galeon version_2.x ctxtnav kazekahase version_0.5.x seamonkey version_1.x Olemis Lang defect new high


Version Info Operating system
0.5.2 Ubuntu 8.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7475 Wrong display of mainbar menus using Galeon, SeaMonkey and Kazekahase galeon version_2.x ctxtnav kazekahase version_0.5.x seamonkey version_1.x Olemis Lang defect new high


Version Info Operating system
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090605 SeaMonkey/1.1.17 (Ubuntu-1.1.17+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1) Ubuntu 8.04
2.0.6 Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100722 Ubuntu 10.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7475 Wrong display of mainbar menus using Galeon, SeaMonkey and Kazekahase galeon version_2.x ctxtnav kazekahase version_0.5.x seamonkey version_1.x Olemis Lang defect new high


Version Info Operating system
2.30.2 Ubuntu 10.04
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Known issues

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
No tickets found


The theme is poorly displayed using Dillo (version 0.8.6-2), because JavaScript and CSS are not fully supported in this browser.

Internet Explorer

There are no plans to add support for Internet Explorer, but contributions in this direction will always be welcome. Please read the patch submission guidelines.

Configuration options in trac.ini


coefficient Attenuation coefficient. This controls the relationship between the distance from the cursor and the amount of expansion of any affected image within that distance. A coefficient of 1 makes the expansion linear with respect to distance from cursor; a larger coefficient gives a greater degree of expansion the closer to the cursor the affected image is (within distance).
default Catch-all image in dock menu.
distance Attenuation distance from cursor, ie the distance (in pixels) from the cursor that an image has to be within to have any expansion applied. Note that attenuation is always calculated as if the Dock was 'at rest' (no images expanded), even though there may be expanded images at the time.
duration The duration (in milliseconds) of the initial 'on-Dock' expansion, and the 'off-Dock' shrinkage.
fadeIn The amount of time (in milliseconds) for the initial fade-in of the Dock after initialisation. By default this is set to 1000, which means that the Dock is displayed in full 1 second after it's initialized. Set this value to 0 (zero) to remove the effect.
fadeLayer By default the fade-in effect is applied to the original target menu element. By specifying either 'wrap' or 'dock' here, the fade-in element can be switched to the child or grand-child of the original target menu element. This option only has any effect if fadeIn is set, and is really only useful for cases where, for example, background colours have been styled on the original menu element and you don't want them to be faded in.
images Images rendered in dock menu.
inactivity The period of time (in milliseconds) after which the Dock will shrink if there has been no movement of the mouse while it is over an expanded Dock. Set to 0 (zero) to disable the inactivity timeout.
labels This enables/disables display of a label on the current image. Allowed string values are 2 characters in length: the first character indicates horizontal position (t=top, m=middle, b=bottom) and the second indicates vertical position (l=left, c=center, r=right). Default is 'tl' (i.e. labels shown in top-left corner). Please be aware that enabling this option with one of the middle/center label positions (eg. 'ml', 'bc', etc) may have a slight effect on the performance of the Dock, simply due to the additional processing required to position the label correctly. Hide labels by leaving this option empty.
step The timer interval (in milliseconds) between each animation step of the 'on-Dock' expansion, and the 'off-Dock' shrinkage.


tbcount Number of fixed items in toolbar


The plugin uses images found in Mac4Lin and Albook extended icon sets, as well as other Creative Commons sources. These are mostly from deviantart, eg the red & gray Finder, so I thank them all for their dedication while creating all those amazing pictures.

And thanks to all those that actively enhance(d) jqDock jQuery plugin.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for MacTheme are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

If you want to submit patches, please read the patch submission guidelines.


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Download the zipped source from here.

The plugin is also available on PyPI.


You can check out MacTheme from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Recent Changes

17940 by rjollos on 2020-12-23 22:58:53
Code drop from PyPI


Author: Olemis Lang
Maintainer: Olemis Lang
Contributors: Yelian

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Dec 23, 2020, 11:19:02 PM

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