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Test Manager for Trac Plugin - The HTTP RESTful API

The TestManager plugin can be used programmatically to create and manage Test Catalogs, Test Cases and Test Plans, and to set the test execution verdicts of Test Cases in a plan.

This page describes the HTTP RESTful API, but there are alternatives:

  • An XML-RPC API, allowing you to remotely control your test artifacts using a standard protocol.
  • A Python API, allowing for a fine-grained control over any artifact, managing their life-cycle, listening to events, reacting to status changes and workflow transitions.

Working with Test Catalogs and Test Cases

You can create test catalogs and cases programmatically by means of the following http requests.

Create a root test catalog

Get the following URL:


This will assign a unique ID (the number 0 in the URL below) to the new catalog, create the corresponding Wiki page and redirect to it. You may discard the response if you don't need to know the catalog ID (last number in the URL):


Create a sub-catalog

Get the following URL, where "path" is the name of the parent catalog.


This will assign a unique ID (the number 1 in the URL below) to the new catalog, create the corresponding Wiki page and redirect to it. You may discard the response if you don't need to know the catalog ID (last number in the URL):


Create a Test Case

Get the following URL, where "path" is the name of the parent (sub-)catalog:


This will assign a unique ID (the number 0 in the URL below) to the new test case, create the corresponding Wiki page and redirect to it. You may discard the response if you don't need to know the test case ID (last number in the URL):


Working with Test Plans and setting the status of a Test Case

You can also create a new Test Plan (e.g. for each nightly build) programmatically as follows.

Create a Test Plan from a specific catalog

Get the following URL, where "path" is the name of the (sub-)catalog to create the test plan against.


This will assign a unique ID (the number 1 in the URL below) to the new test plan and redirect to displaying the Test Plan: You may discard the response if you don't need to know the plan ID (planid parameter in the URL):


The Test Plan will contain all of the test cases in the specified catalog, with a status of "Untested".

Note: You can always pass from a test catalog to one of its test plans by adding the "planid=<plan id>" parameter to the test catalog URL. The same also stands for test cases. You can pass to a test case in a particular plan by adding the planid parameter to its URL.

Set a Test Case execution verdict, in the context of a Test Plan

Then, you can set the verdict for any test case in the plan, by means of the following. Get the following URL, where "id" is the Test Case ID and planid is the Test Plan ID:


The supported statuses are currently:


Change a [custom] property of any test object

Any property, either standard or custom, of any test object can be set programmatically through the RESTful API.

A test object is identified by its realm (ie type) and its key, ie in most cases the ID, for test cases in the context of a plan, also the plan ID is required.

The realms that identify the test objects are the following:

  • Test Catalog: testcatalog
  • Test Case: testcase
  • Test Case in the context of a plan (i.e. with a status): testcaseinplan
  • Test Plan: testplan

The realm must be provided to the property update service through the "realm" parameter.

The corresponding key properties, needed to identify any particular object, are:

  • Test Catalog: id
  • Test Case: id
  • Test Case in the context of a plan (i.e. with a status): id, planid
  • Test Plan: id

The key properties are provided to the property update service through the "key" parameter, in the form of a dictionary.

The next things to pass to the service are the name of the property to modify and the new value. Use the "name" and "value" parameters, respectively. For example, to change a Test Case - with ID 5 - custom property "platform" (which has previously been added to the test case type in the trac.ini file) to the new value "Windows", this is the URL to GET:


Traceability between Test Cases and Tickets

You can open a Ticket and have a traceback to the (eg failed) Test Case as follows.

Open a Ticket on a Test Case

Whether you deploy TracTicketTemplatePlugin or not, you can get the following URL, where testCaseNumber is the Test Case complete path, planid is the Test Plan ID and planName is its name:


This will redirect to a Ticket edit page, with the Test Case in Test Plan hyperlink in the description as Wiki page references. You can simply post the form to create the Ticket.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jun 12, 2015, 11:46:17 AM