
Track time spent on tickets

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This is a plugin that adds a Work Log capability to Trac.

It allows you to register the fact you have started work on a ticket, which effectively allows you to clock on and clock off. It uses Javascript to add a button to the ticket page to allow you to start/stop working on a given ticket.

Work can only be started by the user to which the ticket is assigned, which means there is also a limitation that only one user can work on a particular ticket (see #1943).

Work stopped:

Work started:

Stop work:

If the TimingAndEstimationPlugin is installed, then when you clock off, the time spent on the ticket will be recorded.

If you visit the Work Log page (a new mainnav entry), you will see a list of people (developers) and which tickets they are currently working on. Work log events are also logged to the Timeline for a historical view.

Work log page:

Work log user page:

Several options can be configured from the Admin page:

Features to be Implemented

  • XMLRPC Extension point.
  • Ajax based popup reminders when viewing Trac: this is perhaps not needed as there is a view at the top of all ticket pages.
  • Develop Companion Desktop Application as per #1667.
  • Add a Developer Work Profile to graphically show how "utilized" a developer is. Perhaps integrate graphs etc. from PSP and TSP development models.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for WorkLogPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


53 / 68


8 / 24


2 / 5


You can download the zipped source.


You can check out WorkLogPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


  1. Install the plugin, see details here.
  2. Enable the plugin: add the following to your trac.ini file:
    worklog.* = enabled
    Alternatively, this can be enabled in the Web Admin section of your Trac website.
  3. Run $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv upgrade to upgrade the Trac environment. You should get a message like this:
    Work Log needs an upgrade
    Upgrading Database
    Creating work_log table
    Upgrading usermanual
    Done upgrading Work Log
    Upgrade done.
  4. Reload or restart your webserver, for example httpd or tracd.


To enable the automatic updating of your Total Hours field when using the TimingAndEstimationPlugin, you will need this configuration value:

timingandestimation = true

To enable the automatic updating of your Total Hours field when using the TracHoursPlugin, you will need this configuration value:

trachoursplugin = true

Other configuration values (found in source:worklogplugin/trunk/worklog/ include:

  • autostopstart - bool
  • autoreassignaccept - bool
  • comment - bool
  • timingandestimation - bool
  • roundup - int

Recent Changes

16797 by rjollos on 2017-09-08 18:05:16
WorkLog 1.0dev: Refactor and remove debug print statement

Refs #12627.

16796 by rjollos on 2017-09-08 18:01:06
WorkLog 1.0dev: Use TracHoursPlugin to post hours

Patch by roben.

Fixes #12627.

16186 by rjollos on 2017-01-19 23:03:41
1.0dev: Update jQuery plugins

Patch by roben.

Fixes #13051.



Author: coling
Maintainer: none (needsadoption)
Contributors: rjollos

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Nov 19, 2016, 8:13:04 PM

Attachments (6)

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