Alec Thomas
I am the previous maintainer of TracHacks. See TracHacks for current maintainers.
I can be found on the trac:wiki:IrcChannel as aat
Resident of Sydney, Australia. Home page is
- AcronymsPlugin Auto-generated acronyms from a table in a Wiki page
- AddCommentMacro Add comments to wiki pages
- AutoWikifyPlugin Automatically creates links for all known Wiki pages
- ChangeLogMacro List changelog entries from repository
- CsvMacro Display CSV data in a table
- DiscussionPlugin Add a discussion forum to Trac
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- ForcePreviewPlugin Require users to preview ticket and wiki changes before submission
IniAdminPlugin Edit all
options via the WebAdminPlugin - PollMacro Create polls based on tickets or static arguments
- PyDocPlugin Generate Python documentation using pydoc
- RepoSearchPlugin Search the source code repository
- SlideShowPlugin Convert content of wiki pages to S5 Slideshows
- TagsPlugin A Tagging System for Trac
- TocMacro Display Table of Contents
- TracDeveloperPlugin A plugin to aid in the development of Trac plugins
- TracHacksPlugin TracHacks custom modifications
- VotePlugin Reddit-style voting on Trac resources
- XmlRpcPlugin Trac XML-RPC Plugin
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on Sep 4, 2016, 9:17:54 AM