Show hacks for releases:0.11 0.12 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 anyrelease AndroidClientIntegration: Trac client for Android (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, android, apache-license, client, external, integration, mfvloon, plugin) AnjLabSyncItPlugin: Outlook task management integration (tags: anyrelease, external, integration, mit-license, outlook, plugin, sync, windows) AstuteSvcIntegration: Generic Windows Service Installer (tags: LloydFernandes, anyrelease, integration, nolicense, script, service, windows) ClientsPlugin: External clients support for Trac tickets (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, 1.2, coling, integration, mit-license, multi-projects, plugin, tracking) FulmoIntegration: Easy ticket creation with an annotated screenshot (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, bsd-license, external, github-hosted, integration, jun66j5, ticket) GoogleAnalyticsIntegration: Integrate Google Analytics into Trac (tags: 1.0, 1.2, analytics, astei, bsd-license, integration, pypi) HudsonTracPlugin: Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, bsd-license, build, hudson, i18n, integration, jenkins, plugin, roadrunner, stoecker) IrkerPlugin: Announce Trac changes to IRC via Irker (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, bsd-license, external, github-hosted, integration, irc, notification, ticket) RemoteTicketConditionalCreatePlugin: Create tickets to a remote Trac installation (tags: 0.12, 1.0, bsd-license, integration, plugin, ticket, xmlrpc, zshahan) SlackIntegration: Announce Trac changes to Slack service (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, bsd-license, external, github-hosted, integration, notification, plugin, slack, ticket, wagner.pinheiro, webhook) TicketImportPlugin: Import or update tickets in batch from an Excel or CSV file into Trac (tags: 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, bsd-license, csv, excel, farialima, import, integration, jun66j5, plugin, ticket) TracBuildbotIntegration: Integrate the Buildbot continuous integration server into Trac (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, 1.2, alpha, build, buildbot, etienne, gpl-license, integration, plugin, testing) TracJenkinsPlugin: Integrate the Jenkins build service into Trac (tags: 1.0, Wertilq, alpha, bsd-license, build, integration, jenkins, needsadoption, plugin) TracPygit2Plugin: Pygit2 integration for Git repository on Trac 0.12+ (tags: 0.12, 1.0, bsd-license, git, integration, jun66j5, plugin, versioncontrol) TracRackAndPin: Authenticate user based on Rack&Pin production membership (tags: 1.2, auth, bsd-license, external, github-hosted, integration) VsTracIntegration: Integrate Trac with Visual Studio and TortoiseSVN (tags: anyrelease, client, external, gpl-license, integration, mika, tortoisesvn, visualstudio, vs, vs2005, vs2008) WebSequenceDiagramPlugin: Render UML diagrams on Trac wiki and ticket pages (tags: 0.11, 0.12, 1.0, CarlGould, bsd-license, diagram, integration, plugin, sequencediagram, uml) WikiOutputStreamPlugin: Publish output directly into Trac (tags: aldrinleal, anyrelease, apache-license, cruisecontrol, external, integration, junit, plugin, wiki) WinSvnHooksIntegration: Windows SVN Hook Integration (tags: LloydFernandes, anyrelease, integration, nolicense, simple, subversion, svn, windows)