#14157 closed defect (duplicate)
Forgotten user name permanently locks out account access
Reported by: | Jason | Owned by: | Ryan J Ollos |
Priority: | normal | Component: | AccountManagerPlugin |
Severity: | blocker | Keywords: | password forgot username reset |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 1.4 |
I forgot my user name on ffmpeg's trac page (trac.ffmpeg.org).
I can't use "forgot password" because it requires a matching user name, and I can't create a new account because my email address is already in use. So I'm pretty much locked out forever.
The "forgot password" page should really only require the email address, as user name, like password, is a somewhat arbitrary string of characters that is equally possible to be forgotten (remembering a user name requires all of the same strategies as remembering a password; a user name is essentially a second password although one is publicly visible).
Either that, or add a separate "forgot user name" page that requires only an email address and sends your user name.
Attachments (0)
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by
Resolution: | → duplicate |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 follow-up: 3 Changed 3 years ago by
The email field may not be unique in Trac. Therefore, "forgot password" feature currently requires username and email.
comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by
Replying to Jun Omae:
The email field may not be unique in Trac. Therefore, "forgot password" feature currently requires username and email.
Could a (disable-able) "forgot usernameS" feature make sense, that sends a list of all the user names owned by that email address?
comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by
Or perhaps a "forgot username" feature that only succeeds if the email address is indeed unique?
Note that I was unable to create a new account on the aforementioned site because it said my email address was already in use; so while I am not familiar with trac's configuration, there clearly appear to be setups where the email field is required to be unique. In those setups, then, non-uniqueness would not be a barrier to username retrieval.
Thanks for the report. That's a duplicates of #10762,12026.