
Render xdot formatted graphs


Canviz is a wiki macro plugin to render xdot formatted graphs. Canviz is a JavaScript and Canvas based graph rendering library available on Google Code.

xdot is a more extensive format than dot for graphs. It is used merely because that is what the Canviz project uses.

I created this plugin to have something simpler than Graphviz and to push rendering out to the browser rather than on the server. You do not need to install Graphviz, unless you need access to the dot utility (see below).

An example Hello World for a Trac wiki is as follows:

digraph G {
	node [label="\N"];
	graph [bb="0,0,74,108",
		_draw_="c 5 -white C 5 -white P 4 0 0 0 108 74 108 74 0 ",
	Hello [pos="37,90", width="0.92", height="0.50", _draw_="c 5 -black e 37 90 33 18 ", _ldraw_="F 14.000000 11 -Times-Roman c 5 -black T 37 85 0 32 5 -Hello "];
	World [pos="37,18", width="1.03", height="0.50", _draw_="c 5 -black e 37 18 37 18 ", _ldraw_="F 14.000000 11 -Times-Roman c 5 -black T 37 13 0 37 5 -World "];
	Hello -> World [pos="e,37,36 37,72 37,64 37,55 37,46", _draw_="c 5 -black B 4 37 72 37 64 37 55 37 46 ", _hdraw_="S 5 -solid S 15 -setlinewidth(1) c 5 -black C 5 -black P 3 41 46 37 36 34 46 "];

Canviz uses the XDOT format. To convert from DOT to XDOT you can use the dot command. To create the above example from DOT:

echo "digraph G {Hello->World}" | dot -Txdot -otemp.xdot

which produces the image:

You can find more extensive examples at

Note: a graphing library offering similar features and with a lower barrier to entry is the MermaidMacro.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for CanvizPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out CanvizPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Recent Changes

12119 by olemis on 2012-10-06 18:12:12
CanvizPlugin: New mantainer in town = olemis
11220 by rjollos on 2012-01-31 07:49:11
Added source code that was previously attached to the project wiki page.
5453 by mixedpuppy on 2009-03-31 23:51:47
New hack CanvizPlugin, created by mixedpuppy


Author: mixedpuppy
Maintainer: Olemis Lang

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Feb 19, 2022, 9:21:16 AM

Attachments (1)

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