Hack is beta quality
- AnnouncerPlugin Flexible notifications for Trac
- BittenForGitPlugin Bitten for Git
- CanvizPlugin Render xdot formatted graphs
- ImageTracPlugin Include a displayed image with a ticket upon ticket creation
- IttecoTracPlugin Itteco implementation for agile project management
- ListTracProjectsMacro Display tabulated list of Trac projects
- MenusPlugin Hierarchical navigation menus
- PerforceJobScript Synchronize Perforce jobs from/to Trac tickets
- RepositoryHookSystemPlugin Repository hooks as pluggable extension points
- RevtreePlugin Revision Graph for the Version Control Browser
- ScreenshotsPlugin Manage images and screenshots in Trac
- SvnsyncPlugin Front-end to svnsyncing a remote svn repo
- TracCreateWebUiScript Trac Create Web UI
- TracLegosScript Building blocks for creating Trac projects
- TracMergeScript Merge N source Tracs into M destination Tracs
- TracPluginTemplateScript Paste template to create a Trac skeleton plugin
- TracSqlAlchemyBridgeIntegration Trac SQLAlchemy Bridge
- TracTicketChangesetsPlugin Update tickets with changeset commit messages
- TracUserSyncPlugin Synchronize User Account data between multiple Trac projects
- TracWysiwygPlugin Trac Wiki WYSIWYG Editor
- TranslationManagerPlugin Managing translation of your source code
- VisitCounterMacro Display number of page visits
- WhiteboardPlugin Whiteboard for tickets
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Jul 16, 2015, 10:32:36 PM