wiki:news/2009-02-04-trac-hacks-org-moved-to-new-server moved to new server [updated]

The move of to a new server has finished, any read-only restrictions that were applied during the move have been reverted.

Thanks for your patience, everyone. In case you experience any problems, please contact me either by e-mail or via IRC.

Why has it been moved? was started by Alec Thomas, who hosted and managed the website since the early days. He recently wrote to the trac-dev mailing list:

I haven't had much time to work on Trac for quite some time, and realistically I don't think I will for some time.

With that in mind, I can't really justify the hosting costs for anymore. With the pathetic state of the Australian dollar at the moment, the hosting is costing around $300AUD a month, which is ridiculous. This started at $130USD with roughly a 1:1 currency rate, but prices went up and our dollar went down.

Which brings me to my point. Does anybody have server capacity for hosting

I volunteered to jump in, and Alec accepted my offer.

Who are you?

My name is Michael Renzmann, some of you may know me as otaku42.

I'm one of the folks that run the MadWifi project, my main task is to take care of the web and mail services of the project. We started using Trac for the MadWifi website in late 2005, and since then I'm in love with it. I hacked Trac and some plugins a bit for that site, and wrote a few plugins (such as NavAddPlugin) that may be of use for other sites, too.

I feel honored about this special opportunity to give back to the Trac community, and I'm looking forward to work with you.

What about the "old" admins?

The team of administrators remains unchanged, means: asmodai, athomas, coderanger, osimons, pacopablo and retracile are still around as administrators. The only change here is that I now also have administration permissions.

What has changed?

The website is back in almost the same old shape, with only few changes so far:

  1. Location: the new server is located in Germany, near Frankfurt/Main, while the old one was located in the USA.
  2. Timezone: the server timezone is now CET (UTC+1), while it was CST (UTC-6) before.
  3. No more ads: hosting and bandwidth of this server is sponsored by my employer, true global communications, which voids the need of placing ads on this site.
  4. Server: on the downside, the new server is slightly less powerful than the old one, but I'm confident that this will have only little (if any) impact on the usability of this site.
  5. SSL: at this point there is no SSL support available yet, but that will be fixed soon.

What will change in the future?

Well, let me first mention the one most important thing that will NOT change: using has always been free of charge, and it will remain so in the future.

As for improvements, there are some rough ideas. One of them is to set up a mailing list for discussion about this site, which would also include exchanging ideas for further improvements. Besides reenabling SSL this is probably one of the first things that will be taken care of once the dust has settled. A mid-term goal may be to upgrade to Trac 0.11, so that we can benefit from the many improvements that went into Trac and the plugins we use.

Anyway, in the meantime please feel free to contact me (see above) for suggestions and/or fair comments.

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Feb 5, 2009, 8:43:13 AM