




Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Severity
#6042 Can't open Object IXMLHTTPRequest assigned defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#6381 RPC executeQuery is open to SQL Injection assigned defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal
#6929 Ticket Edit spreadsheet needs to prompt for password assigned defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#6958 1004 errors in TicketEdit.xls assigned defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal
#6973 Can't import dates from Trac to Project assigned defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#6974 Is it possible to export tickets from Project to Trac? assigned enhancement normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#6975 Is the finest resolution for time in the Connector days? new defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#7443 When setting ResourceName, always PercentComplete become 0 percent. new defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#7444 VBA does not allow a time string "0:0:0". new defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#7449 Unicode error when TracDependency is enabled assigned defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal
#7461 Intertrac usability. new defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#7462 Implement a date time validator. new enhancement normal TracDependencyPlugin normal
#7463 implement a feature that can import/update MS-Project tasks feature. new enhancement normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#8208 Feature to import/export wiki pages for/to TestManagerForTrac-Plugin assigned enhancement normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal
#8607 untrusted server cert support new defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration blocker
#11422 Exception: dependency.getMaxTicketId: object of type 'type' has no len()Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/TracXMLRPC-1.1.2_r13203-py2.7.egg/tracrpc/", line 101, in _dump_docs (method.signature, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/TracXMLRPC-1.1.2_r13203-py2.7.egg/tracrpc/", line 230, in _get_signature if len(sig) < len(sigcand):TypeError: object of type 'type' has no len() new defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal


Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Severity
#6042 Can't open Object IXMLHTTPRequest assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#6929 Ticket Edit spreadsheet needs to prompt for password assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#6973 Can't import dates from Trac to Project assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#6974 Is it possible to export tickets from Project to Trac? assigned Yuji OKAZAKI enhancement normal normal
#6975 Is the finest resolution for time in the Connector days? new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7443 When setting ResourceName, always PercentComplete become 0 percent. new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7444 VBA does not allow a time string "0:0:0". new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7461 Intertrac usability. new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7463 implement a feature that can import/update MS-Project tasks feature. new Yuji OKAZAKI enhancement normal normal
#8208 Feature to import/export wiki pages for/to TestManagerForTrac-Plugin assigned Yuji OKAZAKI enhancement normal normal
#8607 untrusted server cert support new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal blocker


Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Severity
#6381 RPC executeQuery is open to SQL Injection assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#6958 1004 errors in TicketEdit.xls assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7449 Unicode error when TracDependency is enabled assigned Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal
#7462 Implement a date time validator. new Yuji OKAZAKI enhancement normal normal
#11422 Exception: dependency.getMaxTicketId: object of type 'type' has no len()Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/TracXMLRPC-1.1.2_r13203-py2.7.egg/tracrpc/", line 101, in _dump_docs (method.signature, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/TracXMLRPC-1.1.2_r13203-py2.7.egg/tracrpc/", line 230, in _get_signature if len(sig) < len(sigcand):TypeError: object of type 'type' has no len() new Yuji OKAZAKI defect normal normal


Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Severity
No tickets found


Ticket Summary Type Priority Component Severity Resolution
#5686 please provide a screenshot task normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed
#5829 Can't locate the foreign text that appears in MS Project task normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal fixed
#5837 This plugin breaks some other JavaScript defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed
#5865 Error loading TracDependency defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed
#6335 Office 2003 compatibility enhancement normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal fixed
#6618 Import tickets to tasks on MS-Outlook. enhancement normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration normal fixed
#6916 Can not create links to subticket. defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed
#6920 Trying to import into MS Project gives 404 error defect high VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration major invalid
#6961 Tab order of Import dialog is wrong defect normal VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration minor fixed
#6967 problem when create new tickets defect normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed
#7171 InterTrac alias support defect normal InterTracCommitPatch normal fixed
#7266 Intertrac alias support enhancement normal TracDependencyPlugin normal fixed

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Dec 16, 2015, 1:56:02 AM