trac-hacks organization on GitHub has the foremost aims of facilitating collaboration among the community of Trac plugin developers and easing the process of locating plugins for Trac. As GitHub has become more popular for hosting open source projects a greater number of plugins for Trac can be found on that site. Some of those plugins also have a page on, but many do not1.

In order to make it easier to locate Trac plugins on GitHub, a trac-hacks organization has been created. Several users have already moved their plugins to the organization and invites are being sent to authors of original plugins hosted on GitHub.

Users that move their repositories to the organization retain full administrative control over their repositories. Besides greater visibility to your project, the primary advantage to moving your project to the organization is that the trac-hacks administrators team can help your project find a new maintainer if you should choose to no longer continue developing the project.

All interested GitHub users may join the organization, regardless of whether you are currently developing a plugin. You can request to join the one of the organization teams from the Teams page, or send a request to th-users@….

If there's something can do better, please let the community know by commenting here, or in the discussion on the trac-dev mailing list.

  1. 1. If you've not yet created a page on for your plugin hosted on GitHub, you can do so now through the NewHack page. The external tag should be added to plugins hosted outside of trac-hacks.


1. Ryan J Ollos -- 9 years ago

Overview of latest changes to the trac-hacks GitHub org in gdiscussion:trac-users:ndep4GQUoac.