

Active in Trac ecosystem development.

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Component: AccountManagerPlugin (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1147 Add LDAP authentication backend closed Kazuho Okui, lkraav Matt Good enhancement high
#1600 [patch] Add a LdapAuthStore to AccountManagerPlugin new Tobu, lkraav, igoltz enhancement normal
#11622 users can post or comment on in the name of any registered user closed Ryan J Ollos, Steffen Hoffmann, lkraav Ryan J Ollos defect high
#12569 Release AccountManager 0.5 closed Steffen Hoffmann, lkraav Ryan J Ollos task normal
#13124 Use Trac 1.2 notification API closed lkraav,… Ryan J Ollos enhancement normal

Component: AddCommentMacro (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#2385 AddComment Improvements new leho@… osimons enhancement normal
#2547 umlauts in wiki page name seem to cause trouble closed leho@… Christian Boos defect normal

Component: ChangeLogPlugin (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#2788 feature request: add css styling closed leho@… Alec Thomas enhancement normal
#2789 bug: second changelog count is incorrect with 2 changelog macros on one page closed leho@… Alec Thomas defect normal

Component: GitPlugin (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#2633 It should be possible to see the branch in the timeline and for each changeset closed Thijs Triemstra, lkraav, dobesv@…, stuge, Sigurd Hogsbro Herbert Valerio Riedel enhancement high
#6554 [patch] Add Trac 0.12 support closed Tim Olsen, lkraav, stuge Herbert Valerio Riedel enhancement normal

Component: IcalExporterPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#4104 Icalexporter does not work with ticket queries. new Tarjei, lkraav Olemis Lang enhancement normal

Component: MasterTicketsPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#10964 Add parent/child and relates-to relations closed lkraav Ryan J Ollos enhancement normal

Component: SensitiveTicketsPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#5784 Loss of the plugin causes sensitive information disclosure closed antti-juhani@…, Ryan J Ollos, Mitar, lkraav Daniel Kahn Gillmor defect normal

Component: TagsPlugin (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#5345 [Patch] TracError: The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded closed lkraav Steffen Hoffmann defect normal
#7525 If tags AND content of wiki page are changed, content changes are lost closed lkraav John Hampton defect normal
#9264 Replace ticket field title "Keywords" with "Tags" closed Michael Renzmann, Jun Omae, Mitar, Itamar Oren, lkraav Steffen Hoffmann enhancement normal

Component: ThemeEnginePlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#6433 Set the theme per user basis new lkraav Olemis Lang enhancement normal

Component: TimingAndEstimationPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#10250 RFE: dedicated "stopwatch" page new lkraav Russ Tyndall defect normal

Component: TocMacro (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#2306 TOC Macro should work with Include Macro new lkraav defect normal

Component: TracBacksPlugin (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#3105 Trac-backs should function between projects (Trac instances) new Jeff Hammel, Tim Coulter, lkraav enhancement normal
#5457 [PATCH] After a TracBack reference is added, all subsequent comments are in italics new Chris Nelson, lkraav defect high

Component: TracDeveloperPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#11905 DeveloperLogModule doesn't work in Trac 1.1.2 closed Jun Omae, lkraav Jun Omae defect normal

Component: TracPastePlugin (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#5773 [PATCH] TracLink for the PasteBin component closed Justin Rovang, David Fraser, Jan Beilicke, lkraav, Olemis Lang Ryan J Ollos enhancement low
#7204 Avoid db.rollback() in upgrade_environment() closed Steffen Hoffmann, lkraav Ryan J Ollos defect normal
#7519 [Patch] "view as plaintext" results in unicode error (0.12 compatibility) closed lkraav Michael Renzmann defect normal
#10121 Add a RecentPastes macro new lkraav, Michael Renzmann enhancement normal

Component: UserManagerPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#9506 Having public accessible profile page new lkraav, Frank Töppel enhancement normal

Component: XmlRpcPlugin (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#5527 Include RPC handler to retrieve timed events managed by Timeline module assigned lkraav Olemis Lang enhancement normal

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Apr 15, 2015, 1:42:03 AM