NewHack is back!

The NewHack tab is once again available to logged-in users, allowing new hacks to be published to the site. This feature has been unavailable since the site upgrade in June 2013. Sorry for its long absence!

Thanks to Michael Renzmann (otaku42) for creating the new version of the TracHacksPlugin, and to Jun Omae (jun66j5) for fixing many issues and making it compatible with Trac 1.0.

If you spot any issues, please let us know by opening a ticket.


1. falkb -- 11 years ago

Good Christmas present :-)

2. tracolator -- 11 years ago

Perhaps not the correct place, couldn't find appropriate forum. Trying to use deleteTestObject in python to delete a large collection of catalogs in the Trac Test Manager. Doing this manually is very time consuming since you must go to each child node and delete up the tree. Can't figure the API. What exactly is a objtype? Could someone give an example? Assume the id is a string holding the leaf number, e.g, if TC_TT1337_TT1338_TT1343_TC2602 then would be '2602'. May be an opportunity to provide details for modify and deleteTestObject? (using xmlrpclib) Thanks.

3. Ryan J Ollos -- 11 years ago

Please ask on the trac:MailingList.