Display a tag cloud
You can specify the minimum count to cull the tag cloud to a reasonable level:
- mincount=[minimum count]
You can specify the smallest and largest font size to use in the cloud
- smallest=[smallest font]
- biggest=[biggest font]
creates a tag cloud where the tags that are used the least use font size -2 and the ones with the most tags use font +4
- 0.11
- 0.12
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 1.4
- 1.6
- account
- accountmanager
- admin
- adoption
- adoption-request
- agile
- alpha
- anyrelease
- apache-license
- athomas
- attachment
- auth
- authentication
- babel
- beta
- blog
- bsd-license
- burndown
- calendar
- captcha
- change
- chart
- check
- Cinc-th
- closed
- code
- coderanger
- compatibility
- component
- configuration
- css
- cursor
- custom
- database
- db
- dependency
- deprecated
- docs
- documentation
- download
- ejucovy
- encoding
- error
- estimation
- export
- external
- field
- fields
- file
- filter
- form
- format
- forms
- framay
- gantt
- genshi
- git
- github-hosted
- gpl-license
- graph
- graphviz
- group
- hasienda
- hierarchy
- html
- htpasswd
- i18n
- image
- import
- install
- installation
- integration
- javascript
- jquery
- jun66j5
- k0s
- l10n
- ldap
- license
- link
- links
- login
- macro
- management
- martin_s
- matobaa
- milestone
- missing
- mit-license
- mitar
- multi-projects
- mysql
- navigation
- needinfo
- needsadoption
- news
- nolicense
- nosource
- notification
- notifications
- olemis
- option
- page
- password
- patch
- permission
- permissions
- planned
- planning
- plugin
- postgresql
- preview
- private
- processor
- ProgrammingError
- project
- projectadmin
- pypi
- python
- python3
- query
- redirect
- reference
- register
- registration
- rename
- report
- report-plugin
- repository
- reset
- richard
- rjollos
- robguttman
- script
- search
- security
- session
- setuptools
- spam
- sql
- statistics
- subversion
- svn
- syntax
- table
- tags
- template
- testing
- theme
- ticket
- tickets
- time
- timeline
- timing
- Trac
- trac
- tracking
- tutorial
- type
- unfinished
- unicode
- upgrade
- user
- usermanual
- users
- version
- versioncontrol
- waiting-for-feedback
- web_ui
- wiki
- windows
- workflow
- xmlrpc
Last modified 18 years ago
Last modified on Sep 2, 2007, 3:37:11 PM