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Opened 16 years ago
Last modified 6 years ago
#4866 new enhancement
allow TagsPlugin to define (part of) the table of contents
Reported by: | rupert thurner | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Component: | TracWikiPrintPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 0.11 |
generating (parts of) the contents by including a section defined by tags (TagsPlugin) would be great.
Attachments (0)
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by
comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by
Instead of giving all pages by editing a field in the administration of TracWikiPringPlugin, one could just take the output of all pages with a tag, see e.g.
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by
an example with TagsPlugin would be to specify
Results (1 - 100 of 124)
- #5 defect: Skip over headers appearing in wiki-escaped blocks (closed: fixed)
- #436 enhancement: List missing wiki pages (closed: invalid)
- #444 defect: the cache directory is set to /tmptracrss , gives you apermission denied (closed: fixed)
- #1728 defect: macros in included wikis not processed correctly (new)
- #3475 defect: [PATCH] ListTagged display options (closed: worksforme)
- #3556 defect: Usage of tf.form_updater or tf.form_updated unclear - syntax error raised (closed: worksforme)
- #5327 defect: Documentation for [[BlogList]] macro (closed: worksforme)
- #5715 defect: No documentation on WikiMacros page (closed: wontfix)
- #6698 defect: Error: Macro TagCloud() failed (closed: worksforme)
- #7195 defect: [[TagCloud]] is displaying a list instead of a cloud (closed: worksforme)
- #9035 enhancement: [patch] allow removing output of other macros from included pages (new)
- #9852 enhancement: Embed some user information in TracWiki (closed: fixed)
- #11119 enhancement: Strip whitespace from macro arguments (new)
- #11342 enhancement: Scrum burndown as macro (new)
- #11755 defect: Macro fails with 'not found' error using xmlrpc (closed: wontfix)
- AbbrMacro Add abbreviations and acronyms to wiki pages
- AddCommentMacro Add comments to wiki pages
- AllAttachmentsMacro List attachments from Trac site
- AnchorMacro Add an anchor to any text
- AsciiMathMacro ASCII-Math: Convert ASCII to MathML
- AttachmentNumMacro Link to Local Attachments by Number
- BackLinksMacro Add a list of referring pages to your page
- BlogPartsMacro Trac Blog Parts Macro
- ChangeLogMacro List changelog entries from repository
- ChildTicketTreeMacro Display complete ticket hierarchy for ChildTicketsPlugin tickets
- CiteCodeMacro Cite code in wiki pages and tickets
- CiteMacro Add citations to wiki pages
- CodeExampleMacro Code example box with syntax highlighting
- CollapsiblePlugin Embed foldable structures in wiki pages
- ColorMacro Color foreground and background of text
- ComponentsProcessorMacro List project components with descriptions
- CsvMacro Display CSV data in a table
- DiaVisViewPlugin Render dia and vdx files
- DirClassMacro Display Right-To-Left content in wiki pages and tickets
- DoapViewMacro DOAP Viewer
- EarnedValueChartMacro Add an Earned Value Chart to wiki pages
- EasyPollMacro Add polls and voting functionality to wiki pages and tickets
- EmailProcessorMacro Wrap text blocks to specified width
- EntityMacro Display Character Entities
- FlashEmbedMacro Embed Flash content in wiki pages
- FlatTableMacro Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form
- FoldMacroProcessorMacro Add foldable sections
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- FreemindMacro Embed Freemind mindmaps into wiki pages
- GenshiMacro Render Genshi templates directly in wiki pages
- GoogleStaticMapMacro Insert a static Google Map as an image
- IncludeAttachmentMacro Display the text of an attachment
- IncludeMacro Include external resources in a wiki page
- IniGetMacro Display option values for trac.ini
- InlineMacro Display inline sanitized XHTML markup
- InsertElementMacro Insert HTML Elements
- JavadocWikiMacro Render links to the Javadoc pages
- JqChartMacro Add JQPlot charts to wiki pages
- LastModifiedMacro Show last modification date of wiki page
- LatexFormulaMacro Render Latex formula to image
- LatexMacro LateX support in wiki pages
- LinenoMacro Prints code listings with line numbers
- LinkedInMacrosMacro LinkedIn widget library
- ListMilestonesMacro Show a list of chosen Milestones
- ListOfWikiPagesMacro List all Wiki Pages with Author and Last Changed Date
- ListTracProjectsMacro Display tabulated list of Trac projects
- MacroChainMacro Chain multiple macros and processors
- MarkdownMacro Markdown WikiProcessor Macro Implementation
- MediaWikiPluginMacro MediaWiki language processor
- MermaidMacro Render mermaid diagrams in wiki pages
- MetaMacroPlugin Create simple macros from wiki pages
- MilestoneCompactMacro Display milestones in compact table or list
- MilestoneQueryMacro Display a list of matching milestones
- MindMapMacro Draw mind maps using wiki list syntax
- MovieMacro Embed movies into Trac tickets or wiki pages
- NewsFlashMacro Display a colored box
- NikoCaleMacro Create a Niko Niko calendar
- NoteBoxMacro Note boxes with icons
- OhlohBadgeMacro Show Ohloh project thin badge
- OhlohWidgetsMacroPlugin OpenHub statistics widgets macro
- PageTicketsMacro Show tickets mentioned on wiki page
- PageVariableMacro Declare and use variables in wiki pages
- ParameterizedIncludeMacro Include wiki pages in each other with parameter substitution
- PerlPodMacro Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation) wiki processor
- PlannedMilestonesMacro Display milestones and their due dates
- PlantUmlMacro Render PlantUML diagrams in wiki pages
- PledgieMacro Include a Pledgie badge in your Trac instance, raise money for your project
- PollMacro Create polls based on tickets or static arguments
- ProgressMeterMacro Progress meter with arguments similar to TicketQuery macro
- ProtectedMacro Protect parts of a wiki page from invalid access
- RoadmapBoxMacro Display a box with tickets concerning a certain Milestone AND Keyword
- RssEmbedMacro Embed RSS feed into wiki page
- ScrippetMacro Add Fountain / Scrippets markup to wiki pages
- ServerDownMacro Check if host/port is open
- ShellExampleMacro Display command line shell examples in Trac wiki pages
- ShowWhenMacro Show content When specified time range
- SpoilerMacro Add a "Spoiler!" button around textual content
- SqlAlchemyQueryMacro Execute an SQL query from within Trac
- SqlQueryMacro Execute an SQL Query from within Trac
- StatusHistoryChartMacro Plot a graph of a ticket's field change history
- SumMacro Sum a list of numbers
- TaskTicketsMacro Tickets for project tasks
- TicketBoxMacro Ticket list in a box on the wiki page
- TicketChartsMacro Display ticket statistics charts
- ToggleMacroPlugin Hide and unhide sections of corpus text in wiki pages
. see also #4616
comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by
Owner: | Álvaro Iradier deleted |
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using
Can you be more specific? I don't use the TagsPlugin, so I can only guess how it works in trac-hacks...