Hacks for Trac 0.11.x
Results (201 - 300 of 514)
- LoginRequiredPlugin Trac Login Required Plugin
- LoomingCloudsPlugin Display a tag cloud with a ticket
- LuntbuildTracIntegration Integrate Luntbuild into Trac
- MacTheme Themes for Trac based on MacOS appearance
- MacroChainMacro Chain multiple macros and processors
- ManPageRendererPlugin Unix Manual page renderer
- MantisChangesetBugLinksPatch Link bug references to Mantis bugtracker
- MantisImportScript Mantis to Trac conversion script
- MarkdownMacro Markdown WikiProcessor Macro Implementation
- MasterTicketsPlugin Add support for ticket dependencies to Trac
- MathCaptchaPlugin A simple equation challenge used as a Captcha
- MediaWikiPluginMacro MediaWiki language processor
- MenusPlugin Hierarchical navigation menus
- MetaMacroPlugin Create simple macros from wiki pages
- MetapostPlugin Embed Metapost diagrams into wiki pages
- MilestoneCompactMacro Display milestones in compact table or list
- MilestoneQueryMacro Display a list of matching milestones
- MilestoneTeamsPlugin Assign teams to milestones
- MilnCheckboxPlugin Miln Checkbox converts brackets into checkboxes
- MindMapMacro Draw mind maps using wiki list syntax
- ModWsgiAcctmgrScript Configure Mod_WSGI Account manager
- MoinToTracScript Convert MoinMoin (or twiki) Wiki to Trac
- MscgenPlugin Add message sequence chart diagrams with mscgen to Trac wiki page
- MultiProductPlugin Add basic multiple product support
- MultiTracStatisticsPlugin Multiple Trac Statistics
- MultipleProjectQueryFilterPlugin Fix up URLs in query results that span multiple projects
- MultipleWorkflowPlugin Workflow based on ticket type
- MylynTracConnector Trac Eclipse Mylyn Integration
- NarcissusPlugin Narcissus - A tool for team reflection
- NavAddPlugin Add custom items to main and meta navigation bar
- NeighborPagePlugin Add Next / Previous wiki links
- NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin Never receive emails for tickets you change
- NewsFlashMacro Display a colored box
- NikoCaleMacro Create a Niko Niko calendar
- NoAnonymousPlugin Disallow anonymous access
- NoNotifyTimingPatch Don't notify us when someone stopped working on a ticket
- NoteBoxMacro Note boxes with icons
- NoticeManagerPlugin Prepare email addresses for notification emails
- NoticePublisherPlugin Publish notices
- NotificationOptOutPlugin Notification opt-out plugin
- NumberedHeadlinesPlugin Add numbering to headings
- OdtExportPlugin Export wiki pages as OpenDocument (ODT)
- OhlohBadgeMacro Show Ohloh project thin badge
- OhlohWidgetsMacroPlugin OpenHub statistics widgets macro
- OpenIdConnectPlugin OpenID Connect authentication for Trac
- OpenIdDelegatePlugin Add OpenID delegation links
- OsxRssDashboardWidgetLeopardIntegration OSX RSS Dashboard Widget
- OverrideEditPlugin Allow changes to be saved even when ticket has been modified
- Page2DocbookPlugin Page2DocBook - Export wiki pages as docbook documents
- PageToDocIntegration Export Trac wiki pages to MS Word
- PageVariableMacro Declare and use variables in wiki pages
- ParametrizedTemplatesPlugin Create wiki pages from templates
- PdfImagePlugin Display PDF or SVG images as PNG in wiki pages and tickets
- PdfRedirectorPlugin Redirect to raw format for PDF attachments
- PendingTicketPlugin Support for Pending Tickets
- PerforceJobScript Synchronize Perforce jobs from/to Trac tickets
- PerlPodMacro Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation) wiki processor
- PermRedirectPlugin Redirect users to the login screen on PermissionError
- PhpBbAuthPlugin phpBB Authentication with AccountManagerPlugin
- PhpBugTracker2TracScript Import phpBugTracker tickets into Trac
- PhpdocPlugin PHPDocumentor plugin for Trac
- PlannedMilestonesMacro Display milestones and their due dates
- PlantUmlMacro Render PlantUML diagrams in wiki pages
- PledgieMacro Include a Pledgie badge in your Trac instance, raise money for your project
- PollMacro Create polls based on tickets or static arguments
PreCodeBrowserPlugin Replace code
s with<pre>
tags - PrivateTicketsPlugin User specific ticket permissions
- PrivateWikiPlugin Restrict access to sections of the Wiki
- ProgressMeterMacro Progress meter with arguments similar to TicketQuery macro
- ProjectMenuPlugin Quick navigation menu for a multi-project setup
- ProjectPlanPlugin Project Plan with automatic visualizations of the tickets
- ProjectPlanPlugin/DotCompatibility Dot Compatibility Issues
- ProtectedMacro Protect parts of a wiki page from invalid access
- ProxyDavPlugin Enable repository access through a DAV proxy
- PublicNotificationsPlugin Manage notifications for public tickets
- PyDocPlugin Generate Python documentation using pydoc
- PyDotOrgTheme A theme based on python.org
- PyTppThemePlugin A theme based on python.org and The Python Papers
- QaTrackerPlugin Manage QA Test Cases
- RandomIncludePlugin Random Includes and Random Quotes (Fortune Cookies)
- ReScheduleScript Reschedule milestones on a new timeline
- RecaptchaRegisterPlugin Registration using Recaptcha
- RedirectsPlugin Define server-side redirects
- RegexLinkPlugin Turn text matching a certain regex into a link
- RegistrationConfirmationPatch Registration Confirmation Patch for AccountManagerPlugin
- RepoSearchPlugin Search the source code repository
- ReportChangesRSSPlugin Report ticket changes in a RSS feed
- ReposReadMePlugin Repository Readme File Rendering
- RepositoryHookSystemPlugin Repository hooks as pluggable extension points
- ResourceReservationPlugin Resource Reservation plugin for Trac
- RoadmapBoxMacro Display a box with tickets concerning a certain Milestone AND Keyword
- RoadmapFilterPlugin Include or exclude milestones from the roadmap
- RoadmapHoursPlugin Show estimated and actual hours in roadmap and milestone progress bars
- RobotsTxtPlugin Robots.txt handler
- RssEmbedMacro Embed RSS feed into wiki page
- SQLAuthStorePlugin SQL auth store
- ScarabToTracScript Migrate Scarab issues to Trac tickets
- SchedulingToolsPlugin Scheduling Trac tickets
- ScreenshotPastePlugin Paste images and screenshots into Trac pages
- ScreenshotsPlugin Manage images and screenshots in Trac
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Jul 16, 2015, 10:37:15 PM