
The TracGuide is not editable on this site. Changes should instead be made on the Trac Development site.

TicketQuery Wiki Macro

The TicketQuery macro lets you display ticket information anywhere that accepts WikiFormatting. The query language used by the [[TicketQuery]] macro is described in the TracQuery page.



Wiki macro listing tickets that match certain criteria.

This macro accepts a comma-separated list of keyed parameters, in the form "key=value".

If the key is the name of a field, the value must use the syntax of a filter specifier as defined in TracQuery#QueryLanguage. Note that this is not the same as the simplified URL syntax used for query: links starting with a ? character. Commas (,) can be included in field values by escaping them with a backslash (\).

Groups of field constraints to be OR-ed together can be separated by a literal or argument.

In addition to filters, several other named parameters can be used to control how the results are presented. All of them are optional.

The format parameter determines how the list of tickets is presented:

  • list -- the default presentation is to list the ticket ID next to the summary, with each ticket on a separate line.
  • compact -- the tickets are presented as a comma-separated list of ticket IDs.
  • count -- only the count of matching tickets is displayed
  • rawcount -- only the count of matching tickets is displayed, not even with a link to the corresponding query (since 1.1.1)
  • table -- a view similar to the custom query view (but without the controls)
  • progress -- a view similar to the milestone progress bars

The max parameter can be used to limit the number of tickets shown (defaults to 0, i.e. no maximum).

The order parameter sets the field used for ordering tickets (defaults to id).

The desc parameter indicates whether the order of the tickets should be reversed (defaults to false).

The group parameter sets the field used for grouping tickets (defaults to not being set).

The groupdesc parameter indicates whether the natural display order of the groups should be reversed (defaults to false).

The verbose parameter can be set to a true value in order to get the description for the listed tickets. For table format only. deprecated in favor of the rows parameter

The rows parameter can be used to specify which field(s) should be viewed as a row, e.g. rows=description|summary

The col parameter can be used to specify which fields should be viewed as columns. For table format only.

For compatibility with Trac 0.10, if there's a last positional parameter given to the macro, it will be used to specify the format. Also, using "&" as a field separator still works (except for order) but is deprecated.


Example Result Macro
Number of Triage tickets: 2020 [[TicketQuery(status=new&milestone=,count)]]
Number of new tickets: 2020 [[TicketQuery(status=new,count)]]
Number of reopened tickets: 43 [[TicketQuery(status=reopened,count)]]
Number of assigned tickets: 162 [[TicketQuery(status=assigned,count)]]
Number of invalid tickets: 769 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=invalid,count)]]
Number of worksforme tickets: 1024 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=worksforme,count)]]
Number of duplicate tickets: 999 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=duplicate,count)]]
Number of wontfix tickets: 1562 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=wontfix,count)]]
Number of fixed tickets: 5608 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=fixed,count)]]
Number of untriaged tickets (milestone unset): 2267 [[TicketQuery(status!=closed,milestone=,count)]]
Total number of tickets: 12326 [[TicketQuery(count)]]
Number of tickets reported or owned by current user: 2350 [[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,or,owner=$USER,count)]]
Number of tickets created this month: 0 [[TicketQuery(created=thismonth..,count)]]
Number of closed Firefox tickets: 4 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox,count)]]
Number of closed Opera tickets: 1 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=opera,count)]]
Number of closed tickets affecting Firefox and Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox opera,count)]]
Number of closed tickets affecting Firefox or Opera: 5 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox|opera,count)]]
Number of tickets that affect Firefox or are closed and affect Opera: 5 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=opera,or,keywords~=firefox,count)]]
Number of closed Firefox tickets that don't affect Opera: 0 [[TicketQuery(status=closed,keywords~=firefox -opera,count)]]
Last 3 modified tickets: #14381, #14103, #14380 [[TicketQuery(max=3,order=modified,desc=1,compact)]]

Details of ticket #1:


Ticket Owner Reporter
#1 Alec Thomas Alec Thomas
Summary TracPermissions are not enforced in the PollMacro

Format: list


This is displayed as:

AddComment fails with July 7, 2005 Trunk
Support webadmin interface
Support webadmin interface
Support webadmin interface
Support webadmin interface
Support webadmin interface
# expanded to %23
anchor links broken in trunk.
Poll macro 'anonymous' votes
Easier install?
MySQL , PostgreSQL Access
support for non-DN groups
bounty plugin ?
tls / ldaps support for ldap plugin
Need to be able to manage users as a TRAC_ADMIN
Allow TRAC_ADMINs to change user properties
SVN Commit From Trac
SVN Commit From Trac
Poll macro doesn't track session/ip
tracebacks loading trac pages with ldapplugin enabled
Edit Section
missing import of "inspect"
Can't use centralized trac.ini
macro list killed with plugin
iso8859-2 characters in heading names cause TOC script to crash
WikiCalendarMacro: integrate changes from Wiki attachments
Error when used with the built-in PageOutline macro.
Adding new users only by TRAC_ADMIN
blog view - list index out of range
blog view - list index out of range
Search fails due to "no attribute 'to_unicode'"
inline option might be nicer as an un-ordered list
Unicode Problem?
Select reviewers does not handle groups.
Crash when creating or replying to a topic
control over user registration
ticket dependency
TocMacro broken by Trac r3408
spammers have discovered register and are spamming my trac
KeyError: 'id'
plugin does not work on MS Winzoz XP
GeneralLinkSyntaxPlugin interferes with InterTrac
cross trac db summary page
can't change moderators when creating a new forum
Failure sending notification on creation of ticket: notify() takes at least 3 non-keyword arguments (2 given)
update-index failed
Permission denied with TracAccountManager-0.1.2
passwd files don't reload if trac runs as a standalone server
Form based login uses MD5, though this is not documented.
[Patch] Allow multiple navigation-synced instances on same page
Permssion Error
AttributeError:keys exception
Large p4 depots kill virtual memory (patch included)
View Tickets export to PDF?
p4 client option
Add ability to use spam safe e-mail address
traceback while attempting to register
Add timer counter while ticket is "open"
problems to login in the Internet
Multiple unix groups
Updating TracFrenchTranslation project
Adding component after milestone started
Calendar popups for time entry
Enabling WikiGoodiesPlugin Messes Up QuickJump in the Search Box
does not work with trac 0.10
does not work with trac 0.10
Registering a new User produces error - no such file or directory
Make RBAC compatible with trac 0.10
TracEnv won't upgrade
pagetopdf concatenation error
tags are erased
broken TOC macro, with trac svn
XmlRpcPlugin fails with latest Trac release
Migrating Tracforge from sqlite to Postgresql
click conflict on a day that is both wiki page and milestone date
ping should use base url
TOC Marco for trac 0.10
Compute daily sums by SQL queries and eliminate data collection script
Enabling 'Reply' to a blog post
idealized line
Account Manager Plugin - download without svn
Charset Encoding and Problems
exception while exporting
default configuration should include a setting so that mylar trac connector works
charset problem
basic auth for xmlrpc
As of trac 0.11, plugins should use req.href, not env.href
The TicketPlugin doesn't work with Trac trunk.
Set permission group of new user
AttributeError in
Removing selected account does not update "Assign To" field on new ticket sards
Unicode error generating PDF
osx addressBook, iCal, and mail to subversion/trac scripts needed!
cannot get the plugin working with 0.10
AttributeError: 'long' object has no attribute 'astimezone'
ITicketChangeListener problem with trac 0.10.3, python 2.3
TracBlog day out of range when navigating blog
'BatchModifyModule' object has no attribute 'get_htdocs_dirs'
No get_htdocs_dirs method
Add intertrac support
Error accessing Admin interface
AddComment does not allow for characters with codes > 128
Security issue allowing to download files of the server running trac
Using mastertickets plugin with already existants tickets cause error
Using mastertickets plugin with already existants tickets cause error
Using mastertickets plugin with already existants tickets cause error
[PATCH] Allow manipulation of htmldoc flags and negation of defaults from trac.ini
delete button not shown in ticket with 1.1.4 version of ticketdeleteplugin
pic2plot / Plotutils Plugin
x.png file not found
Bug in master tickets plugin when invalid ticket num is entered.
Error while trying to install Trac RPC plugin to use with Eclipse plugin
When pings are sent, a completely invalid URL is supplied resulting in a leve 400 error.
Fails to install in 0.11.x
No patch for 0.10 available?
For each wanted page list the page on which it is referenced
Crashes when encountering any file or directory that is not a project
reset_password needs to allowed
[PATCH] crashes if there are non-project directories or other files in directory containing projects
Plugin to change commit message
Support of SSL (https)
How to install?
Internal error when logging in using tracd
r2128, 0.10, crashes on login (?)
What about remembering that user was logined (into cookies)?
deleting users does not remove information from db
Automatically determine ENV_PARENT_DIR
'Fragment' object has no attribute 'replace'
TracPygmentsPlugin - dont work on 0.10.3
Attach file feature?
HideVals on QueryModule
Internal Error When Moving Trac Ticket
timeline is empty
timeline is empty
failure with trac 0.10
creation of reviews in changelog/diff view
0.11 installation fail
Allow to page to provide it's own template
reviewer list doesnt contain users
Cannot log in with users that i create with this plugin.
Email -> Ticket (Windows)
Traceback : Incoherent path [trunk] != [tags] rev: 1025
assertion on trying to look at the tree
simile timeline displays nothing
Permission groups are not recognized
Filter by Author does not work
File attachment with discussion topic
Problem with trac and ldap
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
Create a desktop app to record time spend on a given task and update ticket when done
Avoid pdf creation.
revtreeplugin error on 'show deleted branches'
update failed
Non-ascii acronyms
IntegrityError: duplicate key violates unique constraint "message_pkey"
'dictionary key must be string' while executing 'ticket.get()'
Pop from empty list error
Will it work with trac 0.11dev?
couldn't upgrade
'Submit Another' Ticket
Can Only get TICKET_VIEW_SELF to work
multi-select pages to be exported
CtxtnavAddPlugin support for WikiNegotiator
Search by Chinese character
Date Format for Billing Date
AuthRequiredPlugin sets wrong path
Getting assertion error after logging into master environment.
Adding comment to any file fails
'MediaWikiRenderer' object has no attribute 'render_macro'
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
errors are generated if blocker field is incorrectly filled in
"Disallow closing blocked tickets" functionality doesn't work
MasterTickets with 0.11
Does not work with Trac 0.11
Add separate permission for billing reports
Open tickets in the roadmap should be blue instead of a warning red
Open tickets in the roadmap should be blue instead of a warning red
Cannot add a comment on a line
Cannot add a comment to a line
How to install your BoilerPlatePlugin
Breaks TracForge dispatching
"private" ticket option which is only exposed to users with a particular permission
troubles with kyrillic fonts
troubles with kyrillic fonts
Unable to add comment to peer review
Syntax-Error when trying to execute Report via management
IE not supported?
0.11 support
Doesn't highlight unless you have a session
0.11 build doesn't work in 0.11
pygments_renderer renamed in current 0.11dev
add htpasswd2 as a method for creating new users
XMLRPC ticket update doesn't trigger notifications
Add a filter by milestone
error when renaming a page with existing link (NameError: global name 'sre' is not defined)
Timeline always starts at July 2006 instead of selected date
Patch fails with 0.10-stable rev 6059
verification for register
Permission actions needed
Couldn't find index page for 'TracWebAdmin' (maybe misspelled?)
Search Binary version controlled files
[PATCH] Fix for unicode bug
got error when trying to show any graph
[PATCH] JSON support
Add basic authentication support
ImportError: No module named LuntTrac
Port PerforcePlugin to Trac 0.11
cannot install TracSvnAuthzPlugin with trac 0.11
Notification system for individual plug-ins
0.11b1 version problem
WYSIWYG editor makes it hard to add text below referenced material in "replies"
trac upgrade after installation of plugin
default_daysback does not work?
Can't I install stractistics plugin
bug in rare circumstances
TemplateNotFound: Template "fullblog_admin.html" not found
Error when ticket contains accents
IOError: Bad path: None
Special characters in passwords provoke an internal error
[Fix] Error: Macro SQL(SELECT id Fromm ticket) failed
Tracwysiwyg plugin with Trac-0.11b2
Ticket activity by type
Installation error with trac 0.11b1
cannot change ticket
Support for Trac 0.11
Sending SMTP fails miserably if MTA does not support AUTH
Get preferred format SQL fails
WikiRename 1.2 does not work correctly with TracTags 0.4
tractags 0.6 api
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'req'
0.11 version
Main plugin page layout broken in Safari
ticket subscription for trac plugin updates
Support subversion authz *
AccountMangerPlugin Installation Error
Using "Delete Changes" causes an error
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)
TypeError: cannot return std::string from Unicode object on milestone select
text can not contain ',' in it.
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'default_rate'
Encoding for MIME headers
CarbonCopySubscriber is not properly invoked on a ticket change event
Doxygen TracLinks do not work for classes in a namespace
License definition in causes "python bdist_rpm" to fail
SvnAuthzAdminPlugin on Trac 0.11b2
billing reports fail - unreachable objects found.
download form shows information of previous user
Search error: "TypeError: can't compare datetime.datetime to int"
[PATCH] Error just after installing
port the plugin for 0.11
submodule handling
All Billing Reports fail with "Report execution failed: ORDER BY column number 0 out of range - should be between 1 and 7"
Doesn't show up in web admin
CFAP doesn't allow changing order above currently set order values
Can't open depgraph
incorect IntegerValue Error in Trac0.11rc1
save selection somehow (like saving reports/queries is possible)
AttributeError: 'array.array' object has no attribute 'replace'
Problem with XMLRPC plugins on trac 0.11
Problem with Unicode in filename
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'trim'
IndexError: list index out of range
LookupError: unknown encoding: /trac_new/downloader
Bug when creating egg package (don´t copying the images)
Doesn't work for me
Don't upgrade database after worklog installation
[Patch] Changes for trac 0.11
ListTagged(...) fails with UTF-8 pagenames (not ascii) with /tags/0.6
Cannot Load Plugin
Redirect loop if account module enabled
[Patch] Unknown encoding error with TracDownloader, Trac 0.11, Py 2.5
IOError: cannot open resource
draft status
Error with batch ticket modify plugin
login is not possible via webform, only via apache conf
Not Compatible with Custom Ticket Workflow?
[patch] default value does not work
worklog 'autoreassignaccept' option leaves ticket status in 'assigned' instead of 'accepted'
tracdownloaderplugin fails on easy_install - Python 2.4
mastertickets.webui causes genshi traceback
GitPlugin fails to work, with short error
Trac breaks
ignores user privileges settings
Add ability to send email on blog post
Private Wikis show up in the Index
Line Breaks in Tickets Displayed as [[BR]]
Different workflows for different ticket types
paging doesn't work in the management reports
Update for 0.11
Page navigator with wrong URL when the result from a report has more than 100 records.
Password Reset Error
get the names from the database
Emails aren't being sent when announcer plugin is installed
Generate TOC for a set of pages from a particular page
Plugin works correctly for logged-in users, but anonymous user (not logged in) can access the private page
TypeError: previous_rev() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
Cannot install plugin
Radio-Button WYSIWYG should be enabled by default the first time
NameError: global name 'enhancer' is not defined
NameError: global name 'enhancer' is not defined
scimming does not work
Timeline for each plugin
"System can't find the file"
It not work on 0.11.1
No Data displayed in table
UnicodeDecodeError when try deleting ticket changes
AssertionError when selecting browse source
Fail to render without graphviz option
KeyError: 'fields'
Skittlish does not work on Trac 0.11
Skittlish does not work on Trac 0.11
Skittlish does not work on Trac 0.11
A folding function does not react.
New lines in changes don't create new lines in html email
AnnouncerPlugin does not render wiki text
Queries are not type safe for PostgreSQL 8.3
Magrating to Trac 0.11 breaks GraphVisPlugin
fixes for compatibility with trac v0.11
Correct permission for ticket modify
create page does not work
Loading Failed
Back Links does not find pages that link with out the wiki: syntax
Add partial wiki page section include
Delete Changes doesn't show all changes
[Patch] SQL query failures with PostgreSQL
Bad syntax in
includemacro patch for Trac 0.12multirepos branch
How to define a custom field which is in wiki format?
I can't upload screenshots!
install in windows
list all attachments for easy searching
egg build broken - complains about htdocs/css
UnicodeDecodeError on ticket "Delete changes"
revision for wiki pages
Let Login Module disable the default Trac login module
postgres upgrade fix
autocompleteusersplugin egg-building command fails unless package_data is edited in
rendering of included html does not work
Too cumbersome to add files to review
two plugins conflict
two plugins conflict
GitPlugin doesn't handle fresh repositories well
After entering "forgot password" user redirected "in a way that will never complete
OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'created' in 'where clause'")
Enabling EmailVerificationModule acct_mgr.web_ui blocks the whole installation
Strange behaviour when hours remaining are large
Wiki pages with not ASCII-names
Postgres 8.3 - broken sql statements in all statistics sections
Automatically spawn child tickets when parent ticket is created
timeline links are relative in rss
Could you list previously saved keywords
easy_install error
class=active only appended to manually added entries when SectionEditPlugin is active
CSS fix for better Trac integration
Disable WikiFormatting on commit messages
Re-assigning the TimingAndEstimationPlugin menu as submenu does not work
Fields don't hide in view or edit ticket
[PATCH] Folding group box Batch Modify Properties
Add query to find wiki pages according to vote counts
SQL for report to sort tickets based on number of votes
Trachours won't function with non-ascii chars in database fields.
bug in plugin _launch method
wiki page not created if assigned a tag
Doesn't work when condition is on status field
Tags in the tag cloud are not separated by spaces
StopIteration error with some repositories
Short name in HTML Title
upgrade of trac + ldapplugin does not work
[Patch] Throws an exception when used with the GitPlugin
use svn repo too
Support for draft post queues
<acct_mgr.web_ui.MessageWrapper object at 0x555556a80190>
Burndown chart is wrong after moving tickets between milestones
Creating first review fails
fullblogplugin sidebar rss link inconsistency
MessageWrapper hides its .body content
Fetch account info from LDAP if session email address not exist
Additional Producer and Formatter
gitplugin doesn't work with git 1.6
web interface missing
Disable access to /account and /settings for specific users
Infinite redirect loop after resetting the password
"It does not allow you to create a dependent ticket from the current ticket"
Port of patch for Trac 0.11 from formalin14(at)gmail(dot)com
Duplicating records for hours worked on a user in ticket_change table in postgresql
MySQL error when using Stratistics plugin for first time
Wrong URL in
Allow to define required fields to all status at once
Admin options don't show up
Posted zip file has wrong unzipped file perms
could the cloud be a popup tip-like window?
Enable web admin to declare default sorting column
Error by uploading small file
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
Plot the data with gnuplot
Add additional support for admistration user fields (like in permission)
post_process_request does not correctly pass content type
"NameError: global name 'sorted' is not defined" after clicking "Users"
Bold highlighting of current page
TypeError: __init__() takes at most 12 arguments (13 given)
Account manager password store problem
Group permissions not working
Trac Downloader plugin failed on trac 0.11
Wiki page cut off by nav bar
How to use permissions and groups
Notification by email
Install process doesn't create tables
Dropdown menus for "Blocked" and "Blocked By"
Revtree page stops with StopIteration:
Include causes warnings
Error when create or update a ticket
renaming a wikipage looses the tags
Error al entrar al stractistics
TypeError: iterable argument required
Can't install TracDownloader on 0.11
Trac 0.11 unknown encoding error when using TracDownloaderPlugin
TracWysiwygPlugin not showing the radio button in wiki edit page after installing
Links to nonexistent tickets on Trac fail
Subscribing to other features
Tags should optionally be case insensitive
Batch modify does nothing
KeyError: u'\xe2'
feature suggestions - wiki hierarchy, wiki rename, export to docbook
Error when trying to upgrade database ("object has no attribute 'rollback'", PostgreSQL)
Graphviz looks for non-existent file 'gvcache'
anonymous user can see all private wikis
DB error when adding additonal tickets to blockedby/blocking
VotePlugin failing on trac-admin upgrade
Plugin not visible in the Menu selection
Position Change button below the Reply button and change styling to match Reply button
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0: ordinal not in range#128#
unicode suport and multirepos suport
LDAP Plugin not working with all SSHA variants
Add an action to change/append the cc field
german umlauts (äöü) not processable
Option to specify template to automatically create page from
Add support for importing the 'time' field
Add Wiki discussions support
Notifications not working, seems like the listeners are not being registered
"IOError Bad Path:" on Windows
fails create the testmanagment tab
fails create the testmanagment tab
Drop down list should show individual keywords and/or tags
Feature Request: Save draft and/or hide blog posting
Changes should be appear in timeline
Preview and commit will not work if there have Chinese character in wiki pages
MYPAGE_VIEW permission does not exist
preserve_newlines setting does not work for the preview
[Patch] Remove obsolete jQuery syntax
Missing submodules support
No postgres support
Infinite URL redirection when logging in after resetting password
Display a list of all broken wiki links
trying to edit a comment with {....} formatting doesn't work consistently
Ticket filed issue
[Patch] AttributeError of tag query for ticket
HidevalsPlugin for trac 0.11.5rc1
AutoCompleteUsers + AccountManager + LdapAuthStore
Math plugin for Trac Wiki
not working - "No module named _bibtex"
add possibility to 'hide' configuration in adminpage
Sorting by hours works incorrectly
Find broken links
It doesn't sync when remote URL is https and password protected
format=raw stripped by breaking source: URLs in wiki Image links
Breaks XML-RPC plugins
Ticket stats failing to start
SQL query failures with MySQL
Enhanced detection of links
Error with entries without author in timeline
Announcer breaks AccountManager Plugin
Not working with tracd & http11
"plugin" style addition
Unicode error if tag points to wiki page with non-ascii name
Is there an account confirmation feature?
forgot password is not working
control_field for trac 0.10.4
Add field for Ticket Types
Date Picker Missing
TicketDelete conflicts with DateField
Tag h1 bad close in ReportScreenFilter
Downloader: SQL errors when accessing stats pages (and stats admin pages)
unable to export static image in pdf (dynamic image works)
ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed cursor.
Ticket numbers are not showing as links
Hours tab not present
plugin busted - don't use
Error when using the theme
Genshi UnicodeDecodeError error while rendering template 'ticketdelete_admin.html', line 51, char 135
Drop downs for TT and table does not work
Add Path with empty field leads to invalid configuration
UnicodeDecodeError on UTF-8 encoded filenames
I have not appeared button change after install plugin
improper handling of groups
This plugin breaks AutocompleteUsersPlugin and LoomingCloudsPlugin functionality on create new ticket page
The timeline returns "Program Error: closed cursor" with Trac 0.11.6
trac-admin get error message so can't go on
Login with SessionStore not working after upgrade to Trac 0.11.6
[Patch] Add Trac 0.12 compatible version
BlogList macro should count characters in rendered text, not source text
Weakly-referenced object no longer exists
[patch] Cannot view tickets with MasterTickets plugin installed when using postgres
Small patch to also include a listing of the tickets that refer to the specified ticket from either description or comment
Plugin forces to submit changes on wiki pages twice
[PATCH] Postgres: Saving changes to tickets blocking/blockedby violates an integrity constraint.
OSX dot execution failed
[Patch] pwhash does not work with trac 0.11.6
SyntaxError in easy_install
[Patch] TracMetrix plugin encounters internal error "TypeError: milestone_stats_data() takes at least 4 arguments (3 given)"
Request for Trac import plugin in Python2.6
Create for installing as an egg
Plugin implementing a 'Report Spam' link
Allow the WorkFlowEditor to use the AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin
plugin doesn't handle absence of 'watchlist_version' from database
Declared features are not available.
Does not recognize [wiky:"link" description]
Support fetching images from https with certificate file
Section edit for numbered headlines
doesn't work with wysiwyg plugin
Google Chrome bug
#6769 puts README and COPYING in the wrong place
#6770 puts README and COPYING in the wrong place
Batch modify disabled even for members of TICKET_BATCH_MODIFY
i want use tag in discussion
Traceback in apache error_log : "TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class"
Add ability to set a field to the result of a given SQL query
"forgot password" does not send mail
Ticket Import plugin doesn't work.
Re-design ugly HTML login form
html_output is mandatory in trac.ini
[patch] Fixing broken ticket diff viewing
Email to discussion
problem with get_navigation_items in
problem with get_navigation_items in
Ticket descriptions with quotes not displayed properly when hover over depgraph nodes
[patch] Tagged pages with names containing non-ASCII chars break listing for their tags
TypeError: milestone_stats_data() takes at least 4 arguments (3 given)
Request ability to set a field as part of workflow
Problem while hosting tracgit plugin in trac
Problem while hosting tracgit plugin in trac
Checkbox column doesn't show up
The section 3 that you chose could not find.
Error on create ticket after implement PrivateTicketsPlugin (TracHoursPlugin installed)
Error is displayed when clicking the dashboard after installing TracMetrixPlugin
PDF creation does not work if image macro has no absolute links in it
Support rendering file from repository
Ticket import plugin for Python 2.6
CSV export crash + fix
A few speed improvments
r7731 breaks password reset notification
[Patch] Install leads to Error line 79
Crash on dev version of Trac
The file is corrupted
Doesn't work with mulirepository in trac 0.12
Test 0.12 branch with multi-repos
AttributeError: 'TracError' object has no attribute 'acctmgr'
Short SHA1 checksum as commit reference
encoding problem
Segmentation Fault on Ubuntu 64 Bit under Apache Control
Problems with trac 0.11 and BatchModifyPlugin on ubuntu 9.10
ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed cursor.
AttributeError: 'TracError' object has no attribute 'acctmgr' - raised when registering new account
Enable use of diagrams stored in svn repository
Get a "You're using a plugin which requires the Clearsilver template engine and Clearsilver is not installed." when using WikiToPdf
Don't redirect resources (like css) to the login page
Improvements of TicketValidator plugin - requested features and more implemented
Filter for Visible Tickets on Calendar
Display 'Browse Source' author as name, rather than email username?
AttributeError: 'TracError' object has no attribute 'acctmgr' - when creating new user in web admin UI
include plugin external site authentication
updating tickets with xmlrpc in the name of a different user
[Patch] Can't install plugin (Trac 0.12)
Comment diffs do not work in Trac 0.12 with MasterTicketsPlugin enabled
Python 2.6 & import sha depreciated
AttributeError: 'SimpleContainer' object has no attribute 'build' - When I try access a RevTreeView with MergeEnhancer
repository statistics are blank since migration to 0.12
[patch] Allow md5 hashed passwords for htpasswd file
HtPasswdStore mode: update to passwd file changes files group
Doesn't Show Up in Plugins
Does not work with Trac 0.12
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
[Patch] Totalhours fields for milestones display incorrect value
'Cannot operate on a closed cursor' exception causes db to appear as if upgrade is needed
Implement security permissions
reformatting misses edited ticket comments
If tags AND content of wiki page are changed, content changes are lost
AnnouncerPlugin keeps sending mails with always_notify_* disabled completely
Supplying username allows \r in name
[Patch] "Environment not found" when clicking on the vote icon of an issue with comments
cannot add comment to newly created tickets (ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-6: ordinal not in range(128)
theme crashes trac. 'has no member named "theme_info"'
[PATCH] Invalid links when trac is on accessed from top-most path
SVN and/or zip file is empty
use wiki formatting on colored text
Switch from deprecated `sha` module to modern `hashlib` [patch]
ticket.query does not return more than 100 elements
Anchor name treated as "wanted link"
Password retries number
Display the tickets' summaries in search results
Display the tickets' summaries in search results
[patch] Support for l10n
Error "No handler matched request to /mdashboard/<milestone>" on milestone links
Update Bitten Announcer for new system
[PATCH] add_keyword operation
Add file name of the readme above the contents - github style
DateField-1.0.1 doesn't MODIFY customfield in TracCustomFieldAdmin-0.2.5
Editing of last heading and saving, will duplicate last line in that heading
AttributeError: 'XmppPreferencePanel' object has no attribute 'xmpp_format_setting'
Deleting a ticket generates error in
defect in ticket status checking in updating burndown table in DB
MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers. file: C:\passwd, line: 1 'pjyang::37af6f35659301a97fd1ef8f944f34de\n'
Commits match against partial ticket number (i.e. commit refs #1045 ends up on ticket #10)
Trac 0.12.1: Warning: Error with navigation contributor "AuthRequired"
Traceback while synchronizing the ticket references from Mercurial changesets
Component for commit_updater
Add ability to delete a Test Plan
Database schema is incorrect or casts are needed (PostgreSQL 8.4 database)
total number of tickets in a report not visible
Hours in mainnav appear when logged out
[Patch] Milestone not start with TypeError
Integration with DiscussionPlugin
Graph only shows 0 values for all three series
Set default master ticket fields to pass to new child ticket
Tag cloud does not contain spaces when using IE8.
AttributeError: 'AccountChangeNotification' object has no attribute 'smtp_server'
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 28-30: invalid data
No way to limit access to Hours for anonymous users
Conflict with TimingAndEstimation Plugin
InternalError with enabled SubversionLink options
Specifying a ticket type is not working
SQL error when using PostgreSQL viewing /hours where no tickets exist
Tried to use trac 0.12 with gitplugin failes cause of a Oops: read_commit called with empty commit_id
Trac 0.12
Can not delete changes for trac version 0.12.1
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
Password file store conflicts with svn password file rule
topic realm links with #anchors
Upgrade Error question?
create blog posting from template
error under Japanese environment
Ability to inherit parent component
automatic notification after import
Show tags not only on EDIT page
Problems on trac 0.12?
Error: "KeyError: 'id'"
Error: "KeyError: 'id'"
Repository Statistics don't work!
AttributeError: 'TracError' object has no attribute 'acctmgr'
Trac GitPlugin Error
hours query csv export encoding error
wiki page location as top menu
NavAdd active state
Ticket without cc field makes notification failed
Ticket without cc field makes notification failed
WinXP HtDigestStore disables AccountModule because the password store does not support writing
implement IWikiChangeListener.wiki_page_renamed
HTTPError 414 Request-URI Too Large
Admin option to add user email address
Downloader plugin couldn't be enabled
TracWysiwyg- , breaks in combination with some other plugins
Compilation fails on python 2.4 with Syntax Error
Impossible insert blank line after Code block or Quote block
AttributeError: 'TracError' object has no attribute 'acctmgr'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 205)
Inconsistencies in milestone date format
Working with TracTicketChangesets
Support WikiCreole style link
TracDiscussion no longer works with Python2.4
Search fails with: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_node'
FlexibleReporterNotifcationPlugin not working
Creating a Forum with empty tags causes breakage
allow user name with email
[Patch] ERROR: Macro TracJSGanttChart(milestone=...) failed
menu item links fail on trac installations in the root of the server.
no result in wiki activity
Encoding error when using Chinese tags
AttributeError: hdf
Registering new User fails
[PATCH] Replace Sha module with Hashlib
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'youngest_rev'
Absolute href are broken if trac is installed in root path
audocomplete fails to function under Trac 0.12
include anchor
Size calculation extracted from SVG goes wrong
TracImageSVG does not work with port forwarding (ssh)
After login, user is redirected to project home page, not to viewed page
[PATCH] remove superflous error message about wiki_namespace
[PATCH] suppress ticket notification when only status changed
AttributeError: 'AccountChangeNotification' object has no attribute 'smtp_server'
TracDiscussion 0.8-r9877 does not work wih TracSpamFilter 0.4.7dev-r10756
TagsPlugin: Renamed tagged pages are not handled correctly
ProgrammingError: (1064, "Fehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagen bei 'c WHERE > 0 ORDER BY c.timestamp LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0' in Zeile 1")
Login: "Invalid username or password" , trac 0.12
missing burndown chart
Cannot install the plugin in Trac-0.11.8dev_r10236-py2.4
ticket deletion error
TracListTicketsScript + mod_wsgi
it doesn't work with python 2.4.x
A Trac plugin for export of wiki pages/tickets to xml file
cannot enable all components
Cast authenticated values to int
[PATCH] del_field operation
patch to add colors, and manage special chars
installation with python 2.4
Please, consider following patch for Trac 0.12
Doesn't work with 0.12
Error: Macro TracJSGanttChart(sample=1) failed
Display milestone in ticket summary
KeyError: 'id'
Overriding explicit start dates
Improve link tooltips
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'base'
Add the ability to fetch a bunch of tickets in one go
WorkflowPlugin breaks when no Accept-Language header is sent
Specific Date dont work
Support relative download directory path in conf
Problem with datefield plugin
In-Reply-To and References Message-IDs should be set to the ID of the "Ticket-Creation" email
IOError: (22, "invalid mode ('r') or filename")
Error upon calling /register on recaptchaplugin
Error on database upgrade
encode error
Support export as SVG
WindowsError: (5, 'Access is denied')
AttributeError: 'Ticket' object has no attribute 'is_writeable_field' when using with Agilo plugin
AttributeError: 'Ticket' object has no attribute 'is_writeable_field' when using with Agilo plugin
Incompatibility with 0.12 or higher
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_node'
What does this message mean "Right in place edit start failed."?
WYSIWYG plugin not working
Populate user preferences with name and email
base_path is not prefixed to links on the /bookmark page
Force user to add their own or otherwise accept a default license
Enhancement the plugin with trac groups
Storing book's structure
AttributeError: 'Ticket' object has no attribute '_get_db_for_write'
Env upgrade after activation failed
Right/left/center justify table cells
Gannt Calender fails when depgrap.web_ui is enabled.
[patch] set type
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 20: invalid start byte
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Allow accounts to be manually locked
Compatibility with Trac v0.12
Exception logging in XML-RPC and JSON-RPC is different
Seems to break KeywordSuggestPlugin
GitPlugin TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
WindowsError: (5, 'Access is denied')
Question concerning "base_dir" parameter
TracPastePlugin: implement XML/JSON-RPC image pasting support
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment
Setting category via custom field, not title
integer = boolean
Is TracWebHooksPlugin plugin still being developed?
Add flash captcha to ticket add and update screen
Add flash captcha to ticket add and update screen
Add flash captcha to ticket add and update screen
Cannot update a ticket while changing child ticket to parent ticket (and vice versa) with a 'comment'.
After user registration, no email verification happens
`trac-admin ... upgrade` boken on trac v1.0
Bad file modes
failed to build EGG on OS X Mountain Lion
RFE: Support 0.11.7
Internal error on 0.11.7
Support alternative syntax
Big, red Delete button in 0.11.6
Add tags to a PageTemplate
STractistics Plugin is not displayed in the menu bar
New install impossible on Trac 1.0beta1
Duplicate tickets when submitting with attachment
$("script[src~='gridmod']").attr("src") is undefined
Deleted repos break search
V0.6 not working on Trac1.0
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
Password reset sends out a new password even if the operation fails
exclude pages from the ListTagged
XML RPC to fix incompatible autocompletion plugins
Error of Macro UserProfilesList
Add operator for set_version, set_milestone
error on trac 1.0
error produced by module simplemultiproject.admin_component.smpcomponentadminpanel trac 0.11.7
Internal Error on Subversion Access Page
Zombie test catalogs in template management page
WikiLinks using square brackets fails in certain cases
Include just a part of a wiki page
ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'trac_contacts.tags' doesn't exist")
DirectoryAuthPlugin: can't set dir_scope parameter in trac.ini
ProgrammingError: operator does not exist: text = integerLINE 1: SELECT * FROM attachment WHERE id=148 ^HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
[PATCH] render inner macros inside the SQLTable macro
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xd6 in position 39: invalid continuation byte
"forgot your password" no more working on 0.4.2
Images not include in PDF
fresh install in 0.12.1 fails
Error when theme is not defined
CodeReviewerPlugin wrong review timestamps
sort by alpha option
Back links are displayed for pages that are not referring.
Option to exclude Trac documentation
Peer Review Plug-in Not Working
"AttributeError: hdf" when trying to access wikitopdf admin panel
Wrong file permissions in zip package
Theme change
Encode data as utf-8 during csv export
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
OperationalError: near "13": syntax error
Internal error 500 after attaching file
trac keep reload itself for each page refresh, after account manager plugin is enabled
AttributeError: hdf
Add link in ctxtnav that goes back to previously viewed hack
Error using advanced query expressions
Selecting to diff any part of a ticket with changes causes a Trac internal error
Please upgrade to 1.0
How to only notify on ticket creation
Fails to load in trac 1.0.1
KeyError: 'ticket-workflow'
FootNote list isn't displayed when footnote is inside a table
AnnouncerPlugin doesn't honor always_cc and always_bcc
I don't see ScrumBurnDown tab on Admin Page.
Images not available after upload
picture instead of black screen
KeyError: 'ticket-workflow'
static link not working
"There was an error" on save, with no information
OperationalError: near ",": syntax error
using of "db.commit()" make some problems
KeyError: 'id' - Error in running report with input arguments
Notification on new created tickets only
Show milestones without version on roadmap
Use plugin's own permissions instead of WIKI_* for TagsPlugin integration
[PATCH] AutocompleteUsers plugin conflicts with KeywordSuggest plugin
Trac 1.0 Support
UnicodeEncodeError with accented characters
creole links partially supported
ProgrammingError: relation "tags" does not existLINE 1: SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tagspace='wiki' AND name='WikiSta... ^
[Patch] make sure scope is passed as an int
AttributeError in installation
Add links from diagrams
Unable to upgrade trac 1.0.1 database
Draft displays hidden fields with incorrect values.
UnicodeEncodeError on wiki and ticket notifications containing non-ascii codes
Plugin works on ClearSilver, Trac now uses Genshi
Can I set properties in TRAC UI?
Cannot Change Ticket Status - Revision does not show correct UI
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
Email not sending
email.utils does not exist in Python 2.4
Ordinal out of range when including UTF-8 source
Plug-in stopped working with latest version of Flash player
ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '== 'status' \n ORDER BY tc.time' at line 4")
ProgrammingError: relation "codereviews" does not existСТРОКА 1: ...iew, Author, Status, DateCreate, Name, Notes FROM CodeReview... ^
RevTree version Conflict error for Trac 1.0.1
RevTree version Conflict error for Trac 1.0.1
TagModelProvider breaks trac-admin
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'youngest_rev'
Install issue
Resolver to fetch email addresses from LDAP
User with trac admin rights on a project can modify members for all projects repositories
Cannot show Depgraph
Cannot show Depgraph
KeyError: 'lightertheme/templates' after install
Submit Review causes error
src_attachment_dir is different from real location
can't import time, changetime
Fails: Environment object has no attribute get_db_ctx
Some tables fail to copy in switch from MySQL to PostgreSQL
MySQL to PostgreSQL migration fails with codereviewer table
MySQL to PostgreSQL migration fails with worklog usermanual
Disable emails when submitting hour entries
Disable a select field based on the value of another field
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
WindowsError: (5, 'Access is denied')
IndexError: pop from empty list
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Adding path containing umlaut gives trac internal error
Error output barely readable
Change background color
ldap lookup using username
Plugin does not load in Trac 1.0
Use of get_db_cnx will be incompatible with Trac 1.1.2
Fix for using timeline and discussion forum reply/quote with Trac 1.0.1
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Only "task" tickets are returned by ticket.query
Blank graph on Trac 1.0.1
CDN URL offline
Failures of functional tests
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Allow to recover username
Error after installing plugin
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO session_attribute" fails with mysql server 5.5 (debian)
DatePicker does not work if DynamicFieldsPlugin is used
It does not work with TracBibPlugin
Error running plantuml: '1'
ticket can not submit
show_when_type = ... kills TicketTemplate
Reset password does not touch .htpasswd
Could you avoid to show the group when all related fields are hidden?
Query milestone parameter causes error
IndexError: list index out of range
HTTPNotFound: 404 Not Found (Invalid URL encoding (was ...
Commit Changelog Reference # anywhere in string
Lists in definitions throw exception
Traceback prior to "HTTPNotFound: 404 Not Found"
Error after submission
Replace Existing file
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '#7'
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
TicketValidator enhancement/feature addition for TicketType
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Cannot edit or reply to reply to a topic
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
WindowsError: (5, 'Access is denied')
Hide rules not working with new installation
Missing file userpictures.css
InvalidQuery: Ungültiges Attribut 'http'
Exclude from backlink when text is included in WikiMacros like TicketQuery
TracHtmlNotificationPlugin not properly formatted in MS-Outlook
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'realm'
Closed ticket: hours can be added, but not removed
HTML is not rendered in warnings and notices
IOError: 2 没有那个文件或目录
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 16YQ1CR,MMSE
UnicodeError: source returned bytes, but no encoding specified
After password reset, password has to be changed twice
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
error on building due to "SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated"
AttributeError when using MasterTicketsPlugin in Trac 1.2
provide migration path for upcoming jinja2 changes
trac 1.2 compatability, get_db_cnx depreciated
"Reset password" no longer sends notification after core upgrade 1.0.1->1.0.13
Add option to force password change every x days
Not compatible with TRAC 1.2
SectionEditPlugin is not working in combination with FoldMacro
Owner field always at the end
function env.get_db_cnx() is no longer available with trac 1.2
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Tickets randomly throws an error to gui when adding a "blocking" or "blocked by" for a ticket
TypeError: expecting datetime, int, long, float, or None; got <type 'unicode'>
Unknown operator 'may_set_owner'
AutocompleteUsers does not autocomplete "assign to" for a new ticket
Uncaught TypeError in Chrome browser
Trac 1.2 long name usernames not migrated
Dynamic fields is hiding all the fields in the ticket summary
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Use configuration options to allow for SELECT list for Topic/Conclusion and all UI labels
Restrict creation of new accreditations using a new registered ACCREDITATION_CREATE permission
Enhancement to allow deletion of an accreditation record if user has permission ACCREDITATION_DELETE
Redirect back to the accreditation wrapper after each change to keep user focused on the accreditations
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Unable to use in Trac 1.2.2
Non-ASCII characters in messages are handled incorrectly
Preferences: "ValueError: too many values to unpack"
IncludeMacro: removes all blank lines from source code
Not compatible with Trac 1.2 database API
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Argument mismatch
Enabling TracJsGanttPlugin causes login button to display incorrectly when using BlueFlatTheme
The Plugin does not work if the workflow does not contain the accepted state
Images don't work if the whole trac environment needs authentication
AccountManagerPlugin not working on trac 1.4 (due to changes in trac.notification)
missing modules in 0.5.0
AccountManager doesn't works on Trac-1.4
Removing NotifyEmail
cannot hide based on status
ImportError: No module named api
Add classifiers to
Convert templates to Jinja2
Search is broken
Errors in Private Comment Plugin
NoneType' object has no attribute 'setdefault
(component: this website) Update to Trac 1.4
Version 0.4.3 uploaded to PyPI as 0.4.7
Problem to login with a new user
UndefinedError: 'item' is undefined
AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'
Enhancement - add image tag support while in wysiwyg mode
KeyError: 'trac_auth' in Trac 1.5 / Python 3
Forgotten user name permanently locks out account access
Account Panel not shown in Trac 1.4.3 + TracAccount Manager 0.5.0
KeyError: 'trac_auth' when making PDF Page
Trac 1.6 support
PlantUMLMacro fails to load with Python 3.10
Trac 1.4: environment_needs_upgrade() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)


This is displayed as:

Use tags plugin API for handling gallery tags

Format: compact

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

This is displayed as:

#17, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #39, #51, #54, #68, #77, #88, #108, #133, #145, #152, #156, #157, #195, #203, #208, #236, #253, #257, #262, #285, #288, #311, #330, #331, #349, #352, #374, #378, #405, #406, #437, #439, #443, #449, #454, #479, #493, #504, #531, #535, #540, #543, #548, #562, #603, #616, #639, #641, #645, #653, #676, #691, #695, #717, #719, #721, #730, #773, #782, #783, #793, #800, #812, #826, #856, #873, #884, #911, #914, #917, #924, #935, #952, #969, #971, #980, #1013, #1021, #1041, #1042, #1109, #1114, #1116, #1122, #1127, #1133, #1135, #1142, #1149, #1159, #1161, #1182, #1185, #1196, #1200, #1208, #1212, #1238, #1239, #1240, #1242, #1246, #1254, #1263, #1266, #1280, #1313, #1320, #1328, #1329, #1347, #1353, #1358, #1372, #1373, #1377, #1383, #1392, #1398, #1428, #1444, #1457, #1459, #1498, #1511, #1538, #1539, #1547, #1548, #1552, #1553, #1559, #1563, #1565, #1572, #1618, #1635, #1638, #1640, #1642, #1646, #1657, #1658, #1661, #1666, #1672, #1693, #1702, #1704, #1716, #1718, #1721, #1722, #1729, #1735, #1741, #1746, #1753, #1764, #1775, #1777, #1787, #1793, #1806, #1809, #1810, #1811, #1812, #1813, #1814, #1833, #1841, #1845, #1848, #1849, #1850, #1854, #1855, #1866, #1869, #1871, #1884, #1885, #1897, #1899, #1911, #1921, #1944, #1968, #2020, #2031, #2098, #2163, #2178, #2179, #2180, #2193, #2196, #2213, #2233, #2234, #2248, #2250, #2278, #2292, #2338, #2371, #2419, #2442, #2489, #2519, #2534, #2537, #2540, #2545, #2548, #2638, #2679, #2700, #2739, #2743, #2775, #2781, #2783, #2798, #2800, #2813, #2822, #2827, #2829, #2831, #2847, #2848, #2859, #2870, #2872, #2900, #2954, #2962, #2969, #2974, #2995, #3016, #3024, #3062, #3077, #3079, #3091, #3115, #3141, #3143, #3185, #3193, #3196, #3198, #3218, #3224, #3232, #3238, #3271, #3279, #3288, #3299, #3304, #3336, #3338, #3348, #3349, #3354, #3362, #3368, #3375, #3389, #3395, #3421, #3423, #3438, #3446, #3449, #3454, #3455, #3479, #3483, #3496, #3499, #3506, #3508, #3511, #3516, #3519, #3525, #3529, #3536, #3538, #3562, #3571, #3575, #3585, #3586, #3587, #3601, #3625, #3645, #3648, #3649, #3654, #3663, #3682, #3686, #3687, #3688, #3692, #3713, #3714, #3730, #3756, #3820, #3835, #3837, #3848, #3852, #3882, #3887, #3899, #3903, #3910, #3941, #3953, #3958, #3976, #3980, #3982, #4011, #4033, #4063, #4074, #4102, #4114, #4117, #4129, #4130, #4138, #4140, #4144, #4155, #4169, #4213, #4216, #4231, #4235, #4241, #4249, #4267, #4274, #4287, #4292, #4293, #4309, #4362, #4364, #4377, #4409, #4427, #4463, #4465, #4471, #4488, #4493, #4494, #4540, #4551, #4561, #4564, #4565, #4592, #4604, #4635, #4644, #4647, #4652, #4671, #4680, #4684, #4702, #4715, #4730, #4736, #4742, #4745, #4769, #4771, #4794, #4796, #4801, #4806, #4832, #4842, #4849, #4913, #4954, #4961, #4962, #5161, #5165, #5171, #5179, #5186, #5196, #5201, #5204, #5214, #5219, #5221, #5231, #5252, #5254, #5257, #5283, #5303, #5306, #5308, #5317, #5347, #5359, #5371, #5398, #5405, #5409, #5444, #5450, #5451, #5477, #5481, #5482, #5483, #5485, #5522, #5543, #5562, #5564, #5565, #5585, #5591, #5601, #5602, #5610, #5619, #5625, #5654, #5668, #5683, #5706, #5722, #5728, #5731, #5732, #5734, #5766, #5781, #5788, #5792, #5804, #5805, #5821, #5830, #5834, #5846, #5847, #5854, #5862, #5887, #5893, #5903, #5910, #5911, #5937, #5974, #5987, #5992, #6015, #6031, #6067, #6154, #6155, #6156, #6180, #6182, #6184, #6188, #6191, #6205, #6208, #6218, #6253, #6265, #6274, #6275, #6278, #6289, #6302, #6320, #6329, #6333, #6347, #6361, #6378, #6384, #6400, #6421, #6438, #6464, #6499, #6505, #6510, #6556, #6557, #6600, #6602, #6609, #6611, #6705, #6712, #6733, #6736, #6769, #6770, #6772, #6782, #6794, #6800, #6817, #6819, #6822, #6825, #6859, #6883, #6897, #6898, #6906, #6908, #6914, #6921, #6938, #6939, #6944, #6946, #6947, #6951, #6966, #6982, #6991, #6998, #7002, #7013, #7020, #7042, #7043, #7047, #7062, #7063, #7075, #7081, #7088, #7134, #7138, #7147, #7196, #7199, #7200, #7218, #7234, #7243, #7254, #7261, #7284, #7299, #7307, #7321, #7335, #7352, #7395, #7401, #7435, #7438, #7477, #7489, #7502, #7504, #7507, #7513, #7525, #7555, #7575, #7597, #7619, #7627, #7678, #7680, #7684, #7696, #7702, #7706, #7708, #7711, #7724, #7725, #7739, #7743, #7760, #7771, #7799, #7815, #7827, #7828, #7833, #7858, #7882, #7884, #7960, #7984, #8035, #8050, #8065, #8073, #8122, #8184, #8231, #8290, #8311, #8318, #8338, #8340, #8347, #8368, #8369, #8370, #8390, #8393, #8395, #8402, #8408, #8422, #8448, #8450, #8457, #8459, #8460, #8463, #8467, #8475, #8480, #8481, #8483, #8490, #8519, #8520, #8559, #8591, #8648, #8649, #8660, #8670, #8686, #8710, #8713, #8716, #8729, #8734, #8736, #8742, #8743, #8757, #8797, #8803, #8820, #8821, #8828, #8829, #8859, #8877, #8891, #8904, #8915, #8928, #8938, #8949, #8953, #8970, #8972, #8974, #8975, #9002, #9022, #9031, #9032, #9036, #9056, #9068, #9078, #9083, #9146, #9154, #9190, #9197, #9201, #9222, #9247, #9251, #9255, #9257, #9296, #9410, #9514, #9525, #9528, #9534, #9539, #9548, #9550, #9575, #9583, #9609, 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#11420, #11428, #11432, #11438, #11440, #11447, #11456, #11504, #11505, #11517, #11526, #11547, #11559, #11574, #11577, #11578, #11582, #11583, #11631, #11636, #11653, #11663, #11664, #11670, #11680, #11683, #11685, #11701, #11738, #11756, #11819, #11884, #11890, #11933, #11936, #11940, #11948, #11957, #11958, #11964, #11970, #11982, #11990, #12016, #12017, #12026, #12029, #12068, #12086, #12100, #12131, #12162, #12207, #12278, #12293, #12310, #12378, #12431, #12436, #12450, #12462, #12491, #12505, #12525, #12531, #12588, #12598, #12600, #12602, #12606, #12610, #12617, #12618, #12619, #12622, #12655, #12675, #12685, #12692, #12716, #12728, #12761, #12768, #12848, #12861, #12932, #12937, #12982, #13000, #13001, #13014, #13023, #13024, #13034, #13043, #13059, #13113, #13121, #13147, #13168, #13212, #13214, #13249, #13250, #13284, #13285, #13287, #13288, #13320, #13334, #13335, #13369, #13386, #13395, #13413, #13438, #13465, #13470, #13486, #13601, #13606, #13610, #13620, #13641, #13665, #13673, #13814, #13823, #13856, #13881, #13894, #14043, #14049, #14059, #14092, #14145, #14156, #14157, #14177, #14248, #14251, #14347, #14354

Format: count

[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, count)]]

This is displayed as:


Format: progress


This is displayed as:


6907 / 7966


2517 / 3606


634 / 752

Format: table

You can choose the columns displayed in the table format (format=table) using col=<field>. You can specify multiple fields and the order they are displayed by placing pipes (|) between the columns:


This is displayed as:

Results (1 - 3 of 10059)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14379 fixed Removed dependency on cgi module not available in latest python Jun Omae michela
#14362 fixed Verification token on registration should be a str instance Jun Omae Jun Omae
#14361 fixed AttributeError raised when session id is regenerated with Python 3 Jun Omae Jun Omae
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Full rows

In table format you can specify full rows using rows=<field>:


This is displayed as:

Results (1 - 3 of 10059)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14379 fixed Removed dependency on cgi module not available in latest python Jun Omae michela

Pls find attached minor updates to work with python 3.13.2

I'm not sure how to do a pull request with svn. Is this being maintained on github now?

#14362 fixed Verification token on registration should be a str instance Jun Omae Jun Omae

I received account email verification like the following. The token in the email seems to be a bytes instance.

Please visit the following URL to confirm your email address.

Verification URL: <'weJg5Ks7'&verify=1>
Username: jun66j5
Verification Token: b'weJg5Ks7'

Trac <>

It is generated from _gen_token method in acct_mgr/

639     def _gen_token(self):
640         return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6))
Python 3.8.10 (default, Sep 11 2024, 16:02:53)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import base64, os
>>> base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6))
#14361 fixed AttributeError raised when session id is regenerated with Python 3 Jun Omae Jun Omae

Originally reported at trac:#13792.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/trac/web/", line 662, in __getattr__
    value = self.callbacks[name](self)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/trac/web/", line 180, in authenticate
    authname = authenticator.authenticate(req)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/acct_mgr/", line 54, in wrap
    return func(self, *args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/acct_mgr/", line 488, in authenticate
    return super(LoginModule, self).authenticate(req)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/trac/web/", line 97, in authenticate
    authname = self._get_name_for_cookie(req,
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/acct_mgr/", line 596, in _get_name_for_cookie
    cookie.value = hex_entropy()
AttributeError: can't set attribute 'value'

Using .set method seems to to be fixed instead of directly set .value property.

  • acct_mgr/

    a b class LoginModule(auth.LoginModule): 
    593593            if random.random() + self.cookie_refresh_pct / 100.0 > 1:
    594594                old_cookie = cookie.value
    595595                # Update auth cookie value
    596                 cookie.value = hex_entropy()
     596                new_cookie = hex_entropy()
     597                cookie.set('value', new_cookie, new_cookie)
    597598                self.log.debug("Changing session id for user %s to %s", name,
    598599                               cookie.value)

Python 3

Python 3.11.10 (main, Sep  7 2024, 18:35:42) [GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from trac.web.api import Cookie
>>> cookies = Cookie('name1=value1; name2=value2')
>>> cookies
<Cookie: name1='value1' name2='value2'>
>>> cookies['name1']
<Morsel: name1=value1>
>>> cookies['name1'].value = '?'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: property 'value' of 'Morsel' object has no setter
>>> cookies['name1'].value = 'vvv'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: property 'value' of 'Morsel' object has no setter
>>> cookies['name1'].set('value', 'vvvv', 'vvvv')
>>> cookies['name1'].value

Python 2.7

Python 2.7.18 (default, Jul  1 2022, 12:27:04)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from trac.web.api import Cookie
>>> cookies = Cookie('name1=value1; name2=value2')
>>> cookies['name1']
<Morsel: name1='value1'>
>>> cookies['name1'].set('value', 'vvvv', 'vvvv')
>>> cookies['name1']
<Morsel: value='vvvv'>
>>> cookies
<Cookie: name1='vvvv' name2='value2'>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

See also: TracQuery, TracTickets, TracReports

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jul 30, 2018, 1:00:38 AM